Indiana Joins South Dakota in Criminalizing Protest; What If We Deem Women's Clinics "Critical
Indiana Joins South Dakota in Criminalizing Protest; What If We Deem Womens Clinics Critical Infrastructure?
South Dakota isnt the only place where pipeliners are pushing protest aside with broad and disproportionate penalties. Indiana just passed a bill purporting to protect critical infrastructure facilities, including pipelines, refineries, crude oil exploration and production equipment, power plants, dams, communication towers, and paper and drug factories. Yet like the Noem/TransCanada anti-protest bill, this rushed Indiana legislation appears designed to chill free speech by criminalizing peaceful protest:
New language would make organizations or individuals liable and responsible and subject to harsh fines and potential lawsuits if someone at a protest they organize or even just participate in commits one of the above crimes. The fine for conspirators, as termed in the bill: $100,000.
[Bill sponsor Rep. Ed] Soliday said there needs to be some sort of evidence that the organization encouraged the behavior, adding that If I misbehave and there is no evidence theyve encouraged misbehavior, thats not a reason to find they are guilty.
But the question for organizations such as CAC, the Sierra Club and others is what counts as encouragement?
Is it an organization that supports the same goals as the protester? A group that posts a Facebook event for a protest? The law doesnt say, he [unclear attribution: maybe Kerwin Olson of Citizens Action Coalition?] said. It creates an open door to arrest anybody for anything, which is exactly what you want if youre Goliath trying to crush Davids dissent [Sarah Bowman, This Indiana Bill Is Meant to Protect Pipelines. Critics Say It Infringes on Free Speech, Indy Star, 2019.03.10].
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