Periods for Pence Facebook page.
Since Pence is so worried about disposal of miscarriages, women's menstrual cycles, and all that female plumbing stuff, a Periods for Pence FB page has been started which suggested calling the Governor's office and giving him TMI about your period.
Sample call:
Me: "Good morning. I just wanted to call and let the good Governor know that I am still not pregnant, since he seems to be so worried about women's reproductive rights."
Irritated lady on the other end of the phone: "And can I get your name, please?"
Me: "Sure, it's Not Pregnant Laura."
Another sample call:
Just got through to Governor Pence's office. (The operator must be on break.)
Me: Hi, is this the operator, or the Governor's office?
Them: Um, this is the office, but I am covering for the operator right now.
Me: "Oh, good. I need to get a message to the Governor that I am on day three of my period. My flow seems abnormally heavy, but my cramps are much better to--"
Them: (Seriously pissed and trying to keep their voice down, but not quite succeeding) MA'AM, WHAT IS IT THAT I CAN HELP YOU WITH?
Me: Oh, I don't need your help, I just wanted to keep Governor Pence informed of my reproductive cycle, since he seems so concerned.
Them: "Ugh." *click*
Ladies, here's the number!!!!
Good morning! Don't forget to call 317-232-4567 so that you, too, can hear those magical words: "
Sigh) And your name is?"