Related: About this forumIowa GOP thinks parents should have the right to control adult daughters bodies

Time to shove a goddamn C note in the swear jar.
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A state House panel on Wednesday voted to send SF 471 the so-called personhood bill to the full committee. The bill states that life begins at conception, giving fetuses the same rights as people.
Anticipating that the personhood provision of the bill will likely be struck down by courts, the GOP bill also provides criminal punishment for anyone who performs an abortion more than 20 weeks after conception. The bill makes exceptions if the life of the mother is at risk. However, it does not make exceptions for rape or incest.
This irritates me. What the fuck is next, Iowa? Making unmarried adult daughters seek permission from their nearest male relatives to drive or seek employment outside the home?

(41,572 posts)Easing restrictions on honor killings?
(29,034 posts)Last edited Fri Mar 31, 2017, 09:35 PM - Edit history (1)
Among other things, it would never pass Constitutional muster, but I honestly do not believe Iowans would go for this. Everyone I've ever met from Iowa has been not only nice, but actually on the liberal side.
(6,017 posts)niyad
(122,607 posts)FUCK YOU GODDAMNED WOMAN-HATING PIECES OF S***. You are NO different from the insane, woman-haters of any other religious belief system.
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Pretty sure my idiot Rep supports this. AND she's a woman!
I'm still going to contact her though.
(18,470 posts)I think when I next go up to Minnesota I'm going to check out places to live up there. I'm not sure I want to live in Iowa anymore if this is the quality of person the people put in the House.
Shannon Lundgrens comments came during a hearing this week on Senate File 471, which would pave the way for a state ban on abortions after the 20-week mark. The Iowa House Human Resources Committee approved the legislation after a fetal heartbeat bill that would have banned abortion any time after a heartbeat is detectedas early as six weeks of pregnancywas scrapped. The legislation is now under consideration by the Iowa House, and if it becomes law Iowa would be the 18th U.S. state to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Lundgren, the manager of Senate File 471, represents rural Dubuque and ran for office on an anti-abortion platform. She was asked by state Representative John Forbes if under the proposal his daughter, who is currently 20 weeks pregnant, would have to carry her child to term even if a doctor told her that there was no longer a heartbeat. Is that good medicine? asked Forbes.