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Blue Owl
(55,462 posts)n/t
(5,909 posts)dchill
(41,451 posts)Walleye
(38,292 posts)captain queeg
(11,780 posts)JT45242
(3,166 posts)If we could get Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsay it would be too awesome for the country.
Donated to both again. Hopefully we can sweep out the trash.
(22,850 posts)You'd think Jimmy Chao had been busted in Colombia again.
(24,038 posts)And of course he's been a major aider and abettor forever
Ditch Mitch the Bitch!!
(22,850 posts)It's the only thing that makes him feel like a man anymore - besides checking his bank account every time Chao makes another drug money deposit into it.
My guess is that he'd actually rather lose to Amy McGrath, than to be left standing as Minority Leader.
Only the most frustrating job in Washington.
(24,038 posts)

(22,850 posts)Because it shows Mitch up for what he is: an inhuman swamp creature (who even looks like one).
If you know anyone in the McGrath campaign, please encourage them to take that clip of his laughing at Covid - and turn it into an attack ad.
(24,038 posts)But I hope his supporters are aware that evidently he doesn't give a damn about covid.
Maybe he'll get it
(11,010 posts)fighter to challenge mitch. Going to be really interesting to see if she can maintain this momentum from the debate.
Aviation Pro
(13,986 posts)Should point out that Private McTurtleFuckface bailed on his enlistment during Vietnam making him a fucking deserter.
(2,839 posts)Moscow Mitch was deferred from Vietnam for the same reason I was: a bout with polio as a child.
He's still a shit, though.
Democrat 4 Ever
(3,941 posts)I read he said it wasnt for him. And his children dont even like him. That says a lot. I understand they live out of state so couldnt vote for him anyways, but they avoid him like the turtle toting bubonic plague that he is. Go Amy!
(199 posts)approximately two years ago in my small hometown in Kentucky. I was impressed then and I'm impressed now.
(5,340 posts)Last edited Mon Oct 12, 2020, 10:54 PM - Edit history (1)

DU donation link:
(24,360 posts)I couldn't find anything earlier. Will definitely watch--and donate again!
Everybody keeps writing Amy off as--McConnell will easily win again, she doesn't have a chance. His ads just keep saying, she is too liberal for KY, and wants women to be able to have abortions at 9 months.
Hate him almost as bad as trump.
Go Amy!
(5,340 posts)Real time calling him on his excuses and inability to get things done. So freakin good!
(12,266 posts)I live in Washington state, but I would love to see McTurtle kicked to the curb.
Amy looks strong, intelligent, well spoken, and a straight shooter. Moscow Mitch, not so much.
(3,113 posts)And 💵💵💵
(5,340 posts)The Lt. Colonel can turn and burn. Moscow Mitch deserves every bit.
(15,175 posts)He's the most...well, let's hope Kentuckians see McGrath's decency and how McConnell has become so corrupt he's barely even human any more.