Related: About this forumthe case for john bel edwards
i was crucified i "heartbear abortion" thread on this one, but i must defend my governor.
this is no surprise here. edwards ran as anti abortion, and barely won over bobby jindals chosen sucessor diaper dave vitter. there is no question that vitter, or jindal, or any louisiana republican would gleefully sign this or worse. any louisiana democrat outside orleans parish would sign this as well, but there are few elected democrats outside orleans parish and east baton rouge except edwards.
a veto of the bill would be over ridden. repubs have near supermajorities in the legislature, and most of the democrats are social conservatives including ministers. there are no moderate republicans. not on this issue.
edwards faces a jungle primary in october. he might come in second but maybe not. if he vetoes this bill he is certainly no better than third. in that case 2 conservative republicans (one congresscritter and one businessman )will have a runoff to see who can promise to be more incredibly conservative.
the place to defeat this is in the courts, until we can, with edwards leadership, build enough of a party to civilize this savage 3rd world frontier.
edwards has been good on economics (with no help ftom the legislature), he extended medicaid, and (against rabid opposition from the end timers) approved an optional real id we have had several natural disasters and a police shooting that could have been mich worse without adult leadership.
my final argument : john bel edwards does not appear to be corrupt. perhaps our first ever.

(863 posts)and I think he is fighting the best he can. It was shocking to me how after Jindal's abuse, and Vitter's repulsiveness that it was still that close. With Vitter's cow of a wife now on the bench, we need every little bit of a fight that we can get. I don't think Louisiana's abortion restriction constitutional challenge bait bill will even be the one to win the beauty contest for Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Thomas et al to pound their manfists about.
(5,835 posts)i am here in the new orleans bywater. none of us here like this, but it was no surprise.
i can hope this was an over reach, and that repub legislators will lose their seats in october, but i am not counting on it. a win by abraham or risponte would be a large step backwards.
we really can not afford the $Bs deficits of the jindal terms.
(1,731 posts)In Louisiana, the most progressive person who can win is Gov. John Bel Edwards. It's as simple as "all politics is local". I do believe that he errs on the side of caution too much , but he's better than the alternatives. He will continue to get my financial support and my vote.
(5,835 posts)i am far more progressive than jb edwards, or cedric richmond, but at some point we have to take the best we can get.
my "dream" is that edwards can appoint young democrats to the offices and boards where they can gain the experience and recognition to take a larger role in state, and federal government.
(13,427 posts)Thanks for a good illustration (explanation) of some real red state realities. And of what common sense, real life, real case politics looks like. Sometimes the best you can do, is the best you can do
(5,835 posts)i'm suddenly regretting a few "litmus test" decisions i've made in the past based in my favorite issues.
abortion is an extremely important issue for women, for economics, for privacy rights. i'll work to win this one, but we need to retreat here, for now.
(2,012 posts)My dear friends and family in New Orleans work so hard to bring Louisiana out of blind and kool aid conservatism and up from 50th state to the time when all families will have a living wage and the precious children will have real health care and good education and less crime, and will be lifted out of the swamp corruption of people like Vitter and Jindal. I am grateful that people like you have elected leaders like Landrieu and Morial and Edwards who have come a long way and just hope you will keep up the good work.