Revitalizing Louisiana's rural communities will be focus of Gov. Edwards' newly-formed task force
The governor named his former chief of staff, Ben Nevers, Friday to chair a task force to start revitalizing Louisianas failing rural communities.
The goal of the Advisory Council on Rural Revitalization, which was formed by Gov. John Bel Edwards Executive Order, will be to remove for small towns any barriers that prohibit them from being more productive, healthy and attractive places to live and work.
Rural communities bear a disproportionate burden of poverty, lack adequate access to healthcare, education and other basic necessities. This council will help us identify their unique challenges and help implement effective and innovative Louisiana solutions," Edwards said in a prepared statement. It's in the best interests of our state to engage in a centralized and coordinated effort to further the revitalization of our rural areas and make certain the resources are available to help them grow in a sustainable way."
The problems of rural communities have long been neglected by a state government that for the past 40 years has favored bolstering the growing cities along Interstate 10. The issue was barely mentioned, and only in response to questions by reporters, during last falls gubernatorial campaign. But lately the governor and other officials have been taking note of rural problems in speeches.
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