Related: About this forumIs Bobby Jindal a douche-nozzle or not? It’s your call.
I'll give you a no-brainer prediction: As soon as income taxes are removed and sales taxes increased, your governor will cut funding to everything because there are not enough funds. He'll call for more "fees" and sales taxes and the like and propose even more cuts. Same thing that has and is happening in Kansas, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Additionally, corporations, that is, the "more efficient" private sector solution will take the remaining funds from the treasury by privatizing it. Just look to charter schools or the sale of state property, like toll-roads and bridges. It will be crony capitalism in overdrive. Want to know who the privateers will be? Just look to his campaign contributors. Will they be ALEC supporters and others of their ilk, like friends of KKKarl Rove and Crossroads? Dont count them out.
Just remember when and where and how your Tea-Bagger governor made his bones in the Foster administration. Cutting healthcare services. Look it up.
Remember, it's your call.

Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)
(1,950 posts)
Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)
Response to KingBob (Original post)
Post removed
(14,177 posts)Still peddling the same chit that doesn't work and never has worked not in the hundreds of years that people have had a feudal system.