lets speak out about trash talk
Naturally, the MSM is trying to make this about race, when it's really about voting eligibility.
I do not believe that Charlie Webster is a racist. I believe he was stating a fact -- the new voters turning up in remote Maine locales were people of color. They were unknown to the election registrars, and to residents in those areas.
Myself, I couldn't care less if they were brown, black, purple or have spots. The question, of course, is "were they legally eligible to vote in that town?" I believe Charlie Webster feels the same way.
Bob Woodward has it right about today's journalists -- muckrakers, lacking in courage and ethics.
I think many mudrakers got their butts kicked this last election! I think the person that put this in a forum that is for the extreme right leaning disgruntled stand in the way of progress group has cost me the taxpayer enough money while lining their own pockets preaching hate and discontent!
I call this trash talk because they won't let me print what i really want to call it!
I travel this state from one end to the other quite often-I have worked all over this state and many of these hatemongers ride on the highways,cross the bridges,land on the runways or use the electricity from the power lines I laid out! we have always had an influx of foreign labor who work our farms or woodlands! half of those mudrackers have family ties that got here on a boat plane train or bus!
we now have orientals,Colombians ,africans,Somalis etc. many of them now have citizenship! they are in bridgton,bowdoinham,lincoln,calais,caribou fort kent and lewiston as well as other towns. this hate monger is trying to tell us they voted with out being checked out? I doubt that -I'm sure they had their papers checked! because someone had to give them a ballot! that someone could have stopped them if they had doubts!
clean up your trash fish ! you have cost us taxpayers enough money chasing a ghost!