Related: About this forumDEA targeting doctors linked to Medical Marijuana groups targeting doctors linked to Medical Marijuana groups
By Matt Murphy, State House News Service
Jun. 6, 2014
While the Obama administration has sent some signals to states that it wont interfere with the implementation of medical marijuana laws, the Drug Enforcement Administration in recent weeks has visited doctors who hold administrative positions with companies seeking dispensary licenses in Massachusetts and told them to resign or risk losing their registration to prescribe controlled medications.
The DEA officials have gone so far as to show up at the homes of doctors involved with prospective medical marijuana dispensaries, and at least two, but possibly more, physicians have already resigned their positions with medical marijuana organizations as a result, according to multiple sources.
Theyre going directly to the doctors, not setting up appointments, and giving them an ultimatum, said Valerio Romano, an attorney in Boston who represents several applicants for dispensary licenses in Massachusetts. Romano founded Massachusetts Marijuana Compliance, a part of the VGR Law Firm.
The full impact of the actions by the DEA on the fledgling medical marijuana industry in Massachusetts remains unclear, but those involved in the industry say they worry that it could not only delay the state Department of Public Healths licensing process even further, but also spook those in the medical community, many of whom are already wary of their role in the implementation of the voter-approved law legalizing medical marijuana.

Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)Last edited Mon Jun 23, 2014, 07:57 AM - Edit history (1)
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)This is just shameful.
(811 posts)Is NOT going to give up the easy arrests and money coming from the federal government.
(53,475 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)warrant46
(2,205 posts)It's amazing how this clown wastes his time on witch hunts
And he protects the bankers who robbed amerika and its elder citizens of their pensions.
And enables Union Busters and other Scabs
(6,891 posts)rouge in defiance of the chief executive or is the chief executive talking out of both sides of his mouth?
(5,610 posts)who write prescriptions for pain medication (not necessarily the "hard stuff" . The TBI keeps insane records on the patients, pharmacies and Dr.'s who prescribe these meds. It doesn't matter if the patient is 100% total and permanently disabled. They want to channel this "business" to "pain clinics." I went to a pain clinic once and didn't even stay for my appt. I saw these "Dr.'s" treating their patients like dirt and drug addicts.
I have a skeletal disease compounded by years of inevitable injuries in my chosen trade as a Union carpenter and my young years as a motor-cross and car racing. This in addition to heart failure. For over a year I chose to avoid pain meds., the N-saids had caused one heart attack although they had given me some relief in my hands. I was almost unable to walk when a kind Dr. (who had founded 2 free addiction clinics) convinced me that I was doing more harm than good to my heart by refusing any narcotic pain relief. Thank God for this man. He has since passed on from a skiing accident but he taught me how to handle my pain. The meds never got me high only helped my pain.
Subsequent Dr.'s (now that I live in Tn.) have tried to get me to see pain dr.'s but when I show them my history they nervously agree and maintain my is unbelievable that they have to fear losing their license to treat a patient humanely.
Just 5-10 years ago every Dr.'s office had a smiley face pain chart that explained no one should live in constant pain.