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Between 50 and 100 people turned out in pouring rain today to curse the new bylaw that may ticket folks for public swearing.
Some used a bull horn to curse loudly across the Middleboro Town Hall lawn. One protest-goer held a sign with George Carlins infamous seven dirty words that the comic said can never be used on television. Two Middleboro women wore silk-screened T-shirts that said: Im from Middleboro. I swear.
Many argued that the new town bylaw goes against freedom of speech. The new bylaw must be approved by the state attorney general as constitutional before it can go in effect in Middleboro,a process that could take a few months.
The subject line is what I heard on the regional news, just moments ago!

(40,233 posts)Both sides.
(135,425 posts)Freedom of speech is an important part of our country's foundation--even if the speech is a bit rough or ungracious.
(40,233 posts)to propose this law, and stupid for this jarherad to make Middleboro a laughing stock.
I worked there fora number of years, and Midddleboro deserves better than to be known for this lunacy.
Both sides need to find something better to do with their time.
(135,425 posts)It changed the swearing from a criminal offense (yes, really) to an offense that merited a fine.
It came up because some busybody got mad about kids swearing on her street, loudly.
She should have had the cops come by and bag the little farts for disorderly conduct, rather than going down this road.
Laws that try to limit speech are what makes municipalities a "laughingstock." The law has to jump through a few hoops in order to be enforceable, yet--I think it might not make it through the scrutiny. What's a swear? Hell? So if you quote "Hell hath no fury..." you could be fined? Damn? Let's not worry about those torpedoes, and full speed ahead!
I think defending free speech is a worthwhile thing, even if--really, especially if--the speech is not to one's liking. It's easy to cheerlead for stuff one likes, harder to support a principle when the particular action is a bit noxious.
(21,020 posts)of anything done to disrupt life for anyone else, but this doesn't appear to have been the case, and I actually cheer them on for what they did.
Anyway, I hope Ms Coakley tells the town of Middleboro to shove their stupidass fucking bylaw up their asses.
~ Pipi, spewing swear words from the Berkshires
(135,425 posts)The "authorities" knew it was happening, which is why the cops just stood back and observed.
It rained through the whole thing, said the news, but it didn't deter the attendees, who were rather amusing in many of their comments and looked like "everyday" people--not crazed loons or meanies.
This imbroglio is all about some woman with smartass, bratty, teen-aged neighbors who were yelling across the street at one another and using the word "fuck" in all its iterations. She should have just asked the cops to cite the little shits for public nuisance or disturbing the peace, but instead, she had to make it a moral issue--that kind of shit never goes over well.
(135,425 posts)The video is interesting.