Related: About this forumRepublican Rep. Grossell charged with fourth-degree DWI
Minnesota House Republicans Director of Public Affairs Christine Snell confirmed the charges, including a statement from Rep. Gossel''s attorney Alex Rogosheske.
On early Saturday morning, February 11th, Rep. Grossell was stopped for driving over the speed limit," Rogocheske's statement reads. "During the stop, it was determined that he was suspected of driving while impaired. After submitting to a Datamaster test, he was released, pending charges. On February 13th, he was charged with fourth-degree DWI.

(21,151 posts)progree
(11,602 posts)Last edited Sun Feb 19, 2023, 02:38 AM - Edit history (1)
https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/02/17/minnesota-rep-grossell-cited-for-dwiGrossell, a retired Clearwater County sheriffs deputy and former Blackduck police chief, agreed to enter a court diversion program and was not convicted. He was removed from the House public safety and judiciary committees as a result.
... Grossells arraignment is set for March, although his attorney has asked to have the hearing delayed until April due to a scheduling conflict.
0.16 BAC is the the threshold for a gross misdemeanor charge. So GrossAsHell missed that by 0.01
Another article I saw said his attorney is asking to have his driving privileges restored.
The same or another article said GrossAsHell wasn't booked into jail because it was closed for the night. The article didn't explain how GrossAsHell got home -- it was less than 10 minutes from his house.
(51,037 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,324 posts)Was pulled over for a DUI... took a test that for some reason did not give an instant result (which would have happened if it were anyone other than a politician/rich person), and then was released! I assure you that this would not happen to most of us. We would have been cuffed and stuffed. We would have been locked up to 'dry out', and probably given some hefty ass bail that we could not hope to pay so we get to stay in a jail cell for weeks until our court date, where we are summarily given fines and jailtime. Who wants to bet that this 'special person' gets a weak-ass fine and some 'community service' that because of his profession, will just be seen as 'time served'... and zero points on his license? Anyone?