Related: About this forumMissouri Democrats
To gain back control of House, Senate and Governorship, grass roots must take place. We must have active discussions to our neighbors, point out to positive and negative aspects what Democrats stand for. Ask them why they are Republicans and then have them respond back what the Republican Platform is. Then, ask them what they believe Centrist, Conservative Democrat and Liberal Democrat are. Once you garner their attention and get them see that their viewpoint does not inline with their party, they may see the light!
Talking to those who believe they are Republicans, may change those to the Democrat side of the isle.

(25,426 posts)But so many of the tRumper/Tea Party types that I talk to are actually proud of their bigotry & hatred & greed. They feed on it, and draw strength from it. They will not stop to analyze WHY they hate, or why they are bigoted/prejudiced/angry--why they think Mexicans are "stealing their jobs" or getting food stamps illegally, why women or blacks are treated as second-class citizens; they simply follow their programming. They are programmed by Fox News/talk radio to hate Hillary, Obama, "libruls", and they refuse to think their way out of it. It's perplexing.
(24,907 posts)that she got so sick and tired of those around her in the country (Ozarks) being chauvinist and male ego driven to the max, e.g., women don't have rights, etc. (my uncle, some others).
(1,276 posts)I am in the southern part of Missouri, poplar bluff area and there is no liberal talk radio here. Just conservative talk radio that has the far right on it. We need a liberal radio station to broadcast here!