Related: About this forumRadio stations in conservative strongholds
Conservative strongholds of Missouri have conservative talk radios, NO liberal radio stations. To many, we may not think much about it, but people get brainwashed with the hate those Conservatives radio stations spew. From, the morning commutes to those working in offices, conservative radios dominates the conservative strongholds and we need liberal talk radio to counteract it!

(6,550 posts)Its an epidemic.
Midnight Writer
(23,476 posts)When the hate talkers break, you get a music bump or a PSA.
You see stories that Rush Limbaugh's show loses millions because it has lost advertisers, yet he still airs everywhere. The details of his last renewal are secret. I bet "free market" conservative billionaires are financing these stations.
Strange I can find no journalistic investigations of this.
(34,987 posts)
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)As pointed out above most talk radio is conservative and has been for a very long time. The only method that fixes this is to return the fairness doctrine to the public airwaves. This alone would do much to mitigate the damage done by this legacy of Ronald Reagan.
(1,276 posts)What liberal stations that are, are the rock music stations. No commentary programming. We need a change to get our voices heard!
mountain grammy
(27,556 posts)but the crazies are there too, but out there in AM land, it's all right wing.. the preachers and Rush, can't tell the difference.
(3,482 posts)One teaches hatred and intolerence. And the other is rush.
(1,276 posts)Already have XM radio and listen to MSNBC all time on it, but it cost money to subscribe to the satellite radio. Offices that allow radios for employees to listen to, mostly have to talk radio on, no business will pay for a subscription. Also, welding shops to auto shops, have either talk radio or music stations blaring.
It's time for a change!
(28,270 posts)The only progressive talk on the airwaves I can get is on Sirius XM.
(11,604 posts)mountain grammy
(27,556 posts)She was replaced by right wing. Found her on SiriusXM and a whole lot more.
(1,701 posts)Zerlina Maxwell is the Senior Director of Progressive Programming.
Send her a suggestion.
If we do not offer "alternative" facts to their propaganda that is what they will believe.
(14,273 posts)you could call it Air America or something like that.
(43,049 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)It's called NetrootsRadio.com. We're 24/7/365 progressive and have been doing it since 2011. We can also be found on Stitcher, TuneIn and iTunes internet radio.
Oh yesProgressiveVoices.com is yet another great progressive station with great shows.
(1,276 posts)Too bad we could setup mini radio stations across the area to pump the air waves with them.... after all, that what Rush and Hannity are doing.
(50,446 posts)2. What is incomprehensible is why there isn't a SINGLE non-conservative/liberal radio station in New York City. In 1998, there were three: WABC (even though they carried Rush), WWOR, WEVD. (I don't count Pacifica WBAI as it isn't a commercial station.) These stations couldn't find sufficient sponsors, commercials to run, etc. and they went to the conservative radio model for their schedules. Not that they're doing terrific; they aren't. New York City doesn't share the same political interests as Missouri. There should be at least one liberal station.
3. Air America was a franchise of liberal radio but it wasn't well organized and financed. It could have existed more than 3-4 years. Listeners will tune in if it's on the air.
(6,916 posts)samnsara
(18,421 posts).
(65,594 posts)It's impossible to balance blatant lies with the truth. Instead, it should become more difficult for "news" stations to broadcast the lies.
Right now, we have a privately funded version of "state news." We have the propaganda of a totalitarian state, privately funded by a handful of billionaires.
(3,495 posts)Smackdown2019
(1,276 posts)A radio station would take a lot money, but it is possible to establish one, two, three or four in Missouri that could reach in the conservative strongholds.
Funding will be an obstacle, but once established and running on air; sponsors would keep it going.
(52,213 posts)Did you say Enron? Try again.
This 800 lb. Texas gorilla has spent $30 billion since 1996 to become the worlds largest radio broadcaster, concert promoter, and billboard advertising firm. Its a major player in American television and Spanish-language broadcasting.
Clear Channel Communications of San Antonio may not be a household name yet, but in less than six years it has rocketed to a place alongside NBC and Gannett as one of the largest media companies in the United States. The mega-company has gained a reputation for its ugly hardball tactics. Clear Channel has played a leading role in destroying media diversity in the United States. And yes, it is the same media company that allegedly blacklisted certain songs following September 11, including Cat Stevens Peace Train and John Lennons Imagine.
Its not just how big and powerful they are but how they do business, the arm twisting, Mike Jacobs, former independent label owner and manager of Blink 182, told Eric Boehlert who has been covering Clear Channels shady business practices for Salon.com.
Media Mobster
Before passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, a company could not own more than 40 radio stations in the entire country. With the Acts sweeping relaxation of ownership limits, Clear Channel now owns approximately 1225 radio stations in 300 cities and dominates the audience share in 100 of 112 major markets. Its closest competitors CBS and ABC, media giants in their own right own only one-fifth as many stations.
Accusations abound that Clear Channel illegally uses its dominance in radio to help secure control of the nations live entertainment business. Several cities, including Denver and Cincinnati, have charged radio station managers with threatening to withdraw certain music from rotation if the artists do not perform at a Clear Channel venue. This tactic, known as negative synergy, has allegedly been used to pressure record companies into buying radio-advertising spots in cities where they want to book concert venues.
mountain grammy
(27,556 posts)UpInArms
(52,213 posts)

Broadcasting Fairness Doctrine Promised Balanced Coverage
Then the Corporation for Public Broadcasting was assigned the responsibility to: "facilitate the full development of public telecommunications in which programs of high quality, diversity, creativity, excellence, and innovation, which are obtained from diverse sources, will be made available to public telecommunications entities, with strict adherence to objectivity and balance in all programs or series of programs of a controversial nature." The "Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1993" was sponsored in the Senate (S. 333) by Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.), and in the House (H.R. 1985) by Bill Hefner (D-N.C.).
Opponents of the Fairness Doctrine have included New York Governor Mario Cuomo, and broadcaster Rush Limbaugh. Cuomo argued that, "Precisely because radio and TV have become our principal sources of news and information, we should accord broadcasters the utmost freedom in order to insure a truly free press." Limbaugh argued that there should be no government fairness standards on broadcasters, since there are none on the print press.
The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)560, 1260, 1340 AM, 93.3 and 104.1 FM. Those are just the ones I can think of. The market is so saturated that one of these has had to shift to a little bit of local non-political programming to fill the schedule. Then there are also plenty of conservative talk stations in surrounding communities. The left end of the FM and some of the AM locally is also full of Christian stations that are little more than conservative propaganda. About the closest we come to anything liberal is the NPR affiliate.
(767 posts)A true republican drone requires very little feeding of "madness" so they remain true drones. I have listened to the conservative radio and it is pure EVIL from SATAN. I do remember in the past when AIR AMERICA provided progressive radio. The problem was finding sponsors who paid to advertise. The information was always very good and balanced. During the time this network was active the conservative radio "chocked" as if an exorcism was being done. I miss hearing the TRUTH when I am driving......
(1,276 posts)I know Cape Girardeau and Poplar Bluff area are just the same. No liberal talk radio stations. What we need, is someone or a liberal company to head a goal to start a liberal talk radio in these areas. Get it started and get business support. I am sure if we get shops that currently listen to talk radio and have no ads on them, they may listen to our liberal stations if we ask for support.
First step is put one foot ahead of the other and NEVER look back! Let's move FORWARD!
(24,907 posts)I have a simple solution to the radio stations...don't listen to them or put in your own music. Radio is dropping in viewership (or listenership) so what's the big deal? I for one never listen to the radio (being I'm profoundly hard of hearing helps a lot), or we put in our own music.
You picked kind of an area of MO (Cape G/Poplar Bluff) that I don't particularly know very well, but I do know KCMO/Independence/Lake of Ozarks area/Joplin/Springfield/STLMO/Houston-Rolla-Cabol areas very well. I never hear of Rush L. being talked about etc.
(10,761 posts)and they vote reliably
(1,276 posts)Back in 2008, when Obama was running for President, I was tasked to get some feelers in one the county's in this area by knocking on the doors. The paperwork that was given to me was somewhat useful, but totally not accurate. Hardcore Republicans with Republican heritage. On top of that, practically no radio stations other than country, rock, religion or AM. People are too poor to afford the $200 annual XM radio fee and like I mentioned before, the workplaces have the AM radio tuned to those right wingers. It's like they are Nazified by the propaganda from the radio!
(39,139 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 25, 2018, 02:38 PM - Edit history (1)
They've basically conceded the AM airwaves to the radical right. A DUer once wrote that AM frequencies are great for broad, open regions, while FM frequencies are more suited to cities & urban areas. Too bad billionaires like that Tom Steyer guy don't put their money into a liberal AM station, even at a loss.
This is what we need more of. I don't get why we don't have an entire force of dem politicians tweeting/posting/talking about issues in this way.
(1,276 posts)I listen to the AM station of my area and the king of kings Rush was on. WTF do they get 48 percent of polls saying the orange clown has an approval rating? Needless to say he spent a good portion of inflating the approval rating and those listening dont have a clue to the real numbers! His approval rating in the ozarks of Missouri maybe 48 percent, but it has to be his strongest area. Rest of the country must be around 15% to 20%.
We need AM stations to counteract the conservative talk radio stations!
(51 posts)We can also promote people to download podcasts and or get sattelite radio so they don't support conservative local radio stations of which most local radio stations are a dying breed and scam companies like Entercom which are bankrupt and engulfed in lawsuits because of their shady radio business practices will all be gone soon. Bye Entercom and Bye Felicia