Related: About this forumThe back story on Josh Hawley being terrorized by ANTIFA

The protesters in front of Hawley's home in Virginia.
Josh Hawley Says Candlelight Protest 'Terrorized' His Family, Virginia Neighbors
Armed with votive candles and megaphones, a small band of activists protested last night outside of Sen. Josh Hawley's home in Virginia.
Hawley responded on Twitter, calling them "Antifa scumbags" and describing a terrifying scene one contradicted by a 50-minute video of the nonviolent demonstration.
"Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can't travel," Hawley tweeted. "They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence."
Activists in protest movements have debated the tactic of visiting the homes of politicians, but the video shows a low-heat action with no "leftwing violence" or threats unless promising to return can be considered a threat. If there was any vandalism, it wasn't evident in the livestream and police who responded didn't seem to take any notice.
Read more: https://www.riverfronttimes.com/newsblog/2021/01/05/josh-hawley-says-candlelight-protest-terrorized-his-family-virginia-neighbors

(19,422 posts)Anti-fascist upset Mr. Hawley so much? Being against fascism would be a positive attribute to most people. I guess the only people who'd find anti-fasism to be bad would be....... FASCISTS. You're outing yourself Mr. Hawley, and the entire world knows where your political ideology exists. You're a fascist, Mr. Hawley, and REAL Americans don't look kindly on fascists.
(24,268 posts)Josh Hawley lied? No way. I dont believe it.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,238 posts)Without their lies, they are nothing.
(4,391 posts)RAB910
(3,993 posts)I don't like it when they happen to our side and so it's hypocritical of me to say it's okay for our side.
Plus, it's easy for vile anti-American criminals like Hawley to lie about what happened
(35,936 posts)Hawley, like Trump, just hides from the Press & Citizenry because of his privilege. He never argues in good faith; never provides substance, only rhetoric. He requires a one-way conversation.
Sorry his kids got scared; hope they grow up to learn their father is a self-serving dickbag. Hope Mrs. Hawley had her suspicions that her husband is a self-serving dickbag confirmed.