Related: About this forumMontana is inundated with out of state visitors right now.
I drive 20 miles round trip every day on the interstate to take my teenage son to baseball practice. The highway is loaded with out of staters every single day. Today my husband drove the kiddo up to Kalispell for a ball tournament and they report that they didnt see but a handful of MT plates in that two hour drive. There were endless SUVs pulling RVs and giant motor homes from GA, FL, CA and WA...all over. Last weekend, we drove 4 hours over to Lewistown and saw the same thing on our highways...tons of vehicles from other places. We take our camper and all our own food...we dont eat motels. Im frustrated. We had really low Covid numbers for so long. We were doing okay. Seems the word is out and folks are coming to MT in droves. The virus will come with them.

we can do it
(12,832 posts)I hope you all stay safe.
(24,271 posts)I love Montana and want to share it when things are better.
we can do it
(12,832 posts)The most beautiful hikes Ive ever done. Cant wait to come back.
(114,009 posts)soothsayer
(38,601 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)MontanaMama
(24,271 posts)Im sorry thats happening there too. We had way under 500 cases in the whole state when phase 1 reopening began. Its a runaway train now.
(19,382 posts)The whole situation sucks.
we can do it
(12,832 posts)VMA131Marine
(4,868 posts)OneBro
(1,159 posts)How?
(24,271 posts)And only in communities with phase 2 openings. These are usually big regional tournaments with kids from all over the NW and Canada but theyve been scaled way back to just MT kids. No concessions. Dugouts bleached between games. No fans in the stands. 6 distancing between family groups in the grass and mandatory masks. While its not the same as what were used to, its been okay...the kids had an opportunity to play a little bit. This is the last tourney for the year and its just in time since the tourists are here.
(15,081 posts)We're getting overrun and our numbers were already going in the toilet.
(24,271 posts)Yachats is my go to after the kiddo is done playing baseball for the summer. Not this year though.
(15,081 posts)We have two so far down the road in Florence
(17,757 posts)are just trying to spread a little Covid joy up there in cowboy land.
(24,271 posts)thank you very much.
(12,076 posts)by saying they are going through to Alaska but instead are touristing. The RCMP have fined 1200 Americans in Banff (hint) not enroute to Alaska and my friends and family are seeing many on Vancouver Island, certainly not the route to Alaska. Canadian citizens are now reporting them to border services and RCMP.
(24,271 posts)I honestly didnt think anybody would be allowed to cross the border.
(12,076 posts)need to put trackers on them. It is really pissing people off, we have worked hard to keep our covid in check. I know of at least one that has been diagnosed, not sure if any others.
(24,271 posts)We had really good numbers until now. Nobody has to come up here and nobody really needs to drive to Alaska. Stay the hell home.
(4,350 posts)NO ONE was wearing masks inside.
(24,271 posts)WTF is wrong with people?
Dont answer that.
(4,314 posts)I did see a Texas plate two days ago.
(12,051 posts)and Billings, but no deal. We canceled.
(24,271 posts)I hope you can come up when this blows over.
(12,051 posts)the country, then dipping down into Montana, Yellowstone, etc. We've had it planned for a couple of years.
I wish I knew when this stupid virus was going to be beaten! Mr Nay and I are getting old and won't have much time left to do this trip.
(15,155 posts)So we're all coming for the open skies and the freedumb!
I hope it doesn't spread there!
(24,271 posts)
(15,155 posts)
(95,742 posts)Though many ocals and others are wearing masks, not nearly enough though.
(95,742 posts)They showed up three weeks ago down here and they have only grown in number. I see live performances have started up in a few places. the restaurants have been open for weeks and the vacation lodges, a few B&B types are open. I know a couple big ones that are not open for the entire season. But there's no place left to camp down this valley either.
(24,271 posts)He called me and said there are some people in motor homes with out of state plates from FL, SC and IN pulled up behind the fields watching the games. They were asked if they had players in the game and could they please move the RVs and they said that no, they didnt have any friends or family playing, they just wanted to watch some baseball. Were doomed.
(95,742 posts)sad conclusion that I will be staying home at this time next year.
(70,693 posts)luv2fly
(2,505 posts)Which of course we don't have since the orange anus has the big chair.
(24,271 posts)Belated welcome to DU!
(8,270 posts)I'm scared the out of state gang will bring and spread it here. But I am as worried about the "don't tell me how to live" Montanans who won't do the right thing at all.
Most stores seem to have got the message. Whether I'm in Missoula or Stevi or Corvallis the difference seems to be whether you think and where you get your news.
(24,271 posts)in a small gated community. She says the folks who live in the townhomes seem to be playing by the rules but at the grocery store or in town? Nope. No masks to speak of. The Bitteroot only gets more red as you travel south. I try to only shop at the Good Food Store and Costco where masks are mandatory. Once in a while, I have to go to Albertsons (or as my kiddo calls it meth-Albertsons) and mask wearing there is a crap shoot.