Agency finds protections warranted for wildflower on site of proposed lithium mine
A rare desert wildflower known to only grow in Nevada should be protected under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday.
The agency determined the Tiehms buckwheat warrants federal protection and by September 30, 2021 will submit a proposed rule to list the species.
The decision comes after a conservation group sued the agency in 2020 for federal protection determination after discovering wide-scale destruction to the plants that destroyed more than 50 percent of the total global population. In April, a federal judge ordered the agency to make a determination by May 31 after ruling that the plants recent destruction qualifies as an emergency posing a significant risk to the well-being of Tiehms buckwheat.
Until recently, the species did not face significant threats due to its remote location. However, climate change, rodent damage, and an increased interest in mining around the state, particularly for lithium, has put the plant at risk, said the agency. The wildflower grows in soil that is high in lithium and boron, which makes its habitat of high interest for mineral development.
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The company argues its lithium operations can coexist with Tiehms buckwheat due to salvage efforts undertaken by the company, including a plan to transplant live plants to another location. (Photo courtesy of Center for Biological Diversity)