81-year-old facing eviction from cabin he's lived in for 27 years due to trespassing claim
An 81-year-old man is facing eviction from the small cabin he's lived in for 27 years over a trespassing claim from the owner of the land where his cabin sits.
David Lidstone lives in the woods of New Hampshire along the Merrimack River, with solar panels on his cabin and remaining self-reliant and off the grid by growing his own food, cutting his own firewood, and taking care of his cat and chickens.
After nearly three decades, the current landowner now seeks to tear down Lidstone's cabin.
"River Dave," as he's known by boaters and kayakers, is behind bars after being accused of squatting for 27 years on private property in Canterbury.
Lidstone has been jailed since July 15 on a civil contempt sanction.
At: https://www.newsweek.com/81-year-old-facing-eviction-cabin-hes-lived-27-years-due-trespassing-claim-1616197

Canterbury, NH, resident David Lidstone and his cabin.
Lidstone, who has lived self-reliantly along the Merrimack River for 27 years, claimed that years ago, the owner gave his word but nothing in writing allowing him to live there.
In the eyes of the current owner, he's a squatter and needs to go.
But he is not without supporters in the legal battle.
Jodie Gedeon, a kayaker who befriended Lidstone about 20 years ago, is helping by organizing a petition drive and collecting money for property taxes with other supporters.