Transcripts Say Sanborn Made Frequent Sexual References, Comments on Female Staffer's Appearance
A former state Senate staffer told investigators that sexual comments just roll off the tip of [the] tongue" of Republican State Senator and congressional candidate Andy Sanborn.
Thats according to transcripts released by the Attorney Generals office late Friday.
The transcripts are from interviews that investigators conducted in connection with a review of how Senate staff handled another sexually-charged remark Sanborn made to a male State House intern in 2013.
In her interview with investigators earlier this year, the female staffer, who worked in Sanborn's Senate office, said he made frequent comments about her appearance, sometimes telling her she looked hot.
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Sanborn's defense for his comments was that he kept the thermostat in his office set at a balmy 85 degrees.

State Sen. Andy Sanborn is running for New Hampshire's First Congressional District.