New Jersey
Related: About this forumChristie Crime Digest Volume V: The Epilogue
Last edited Wed Nov 22, 2023, 01:33 PM - Edit history (40)
Welcome to the beginning of the end of the Chris Christie era.
As the sun sets on Chris Christie's political, professional, and personal credibility, I was more than happy to accept the keys to the Christie Crime Digest from thread starter DU-er Laxman. But I have to confess that between there being just six months left to the Governor Soprano Crime Family regime and the shutting of the Bridge(t)-Gate, I honestly didn't think that another volume would be necessary. No such luck: it looks like Crew Christie are determined not to go gently into that good night, but with a closing volley of their trademark political tone-deafness and social vulgarianism. So here we are...and here are the links to:
My first order of business will be to tie up the loose ends on Bridge(t)-Gate:
Chapters 352, 353: Cue the guy with with the Dragnet hammer - Baroni, Kelly and Wildstein sentenced
Chapter 354: HorizonGate-ShutdownGate-BeachGate: What Chris Christie Did On His Summer Vacation
Chapter 355: Meet one of David Wildstein's character references who wrote the judge who decided his fate.
Chapter 355a: A closer look at Wildstein's plea for leniency -- and self-made banishment from respectability -- plus a link to the complete statement.
Chapter 356: The count is 0 and 2: Christie strikes out as sportscaster, takes in baseball game as fans cry foul (ball).
Chapter 357: It turns out that Christie is qualified to nominate himself as New Jersey senator should a replacement be needed for the indicted Bob Menenedez before Christie's term ends. Too bad he's long since disqualified himself for the job.
Chapter 358: Beach-Gate post mortem: Christie plays the kid card -- even they noticed that perhaps he'd abused his power. And don't miss the video tribute.
Chapter 358a: The New Jersey Dem-pire locks the Beach-Gate shut.
Chapter 359: Why a six-month-old story about something that happened to Christie three years ago suddenly has news significance.
Chapter 359a: Why a seven-month-old story about something that happened to MRS. Christie suddenly has news significance.
THE FINAL CHAPTER: The beginning of the New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy era, for which we give "Eternal Thanks" to Laxman and all the Digest's contributors; "Eternal Gratitude" to the Digest's past, present, and future readers; and most important of all, "Eternal Good Riddance" to you-know-who...

(44,900 posts)Bill Baroni, 45, the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, received a 24 month sentence earlier in the day in a separate proceeding in the same courtroom before U.S. District Judge Susan D. Wigenton in Newark...
Both Baroni and Kelly testified that they believed there actually was a traffic study. But the most damaging evidence against them might have been the now-infamous "time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" email sent by Kelly to Wildstein less than a month before several local access toll lanes at the world's busiest bridge were inexplicably closed for nearly a week in September 2013. Prosecutors said the email represented a directive to implement the plan.
During his testimony, Baroni also was confronted over his failure to respond to a series of emails, texts and increasingly frantic phone calls from Sokolich, as the mayor tried to find someone in charge at the Port Authority to explain why the toll lanes had been shut down, blocking emergency vehicles, leaving school buses stranded and forcing thousands to be late for work...
Both were also sentenced to 500 hours community service. They will remain free on bail while they appeal their convictions.
Appeal their convictions? If their convictions ever had any appeal, they never would have broken the law!

(44,900 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 22, 2018, 01:49 PM - Edit history (3)
...David Wildstein, 55, a former executive at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey...a high school classmate of Christie's...(and) (t)he mastermind of the Bridgegate lane closure scandal...avoided a prison sentence...
"Were it not for Mr. Wildstein's cooperation, it is unlikely that we are even here today," Assistant U.S. Attorney Lee Cortes told U.S. District Judge Susan Wigenton in federal court in Newark, New Jersey.
(He) provided the key evidence that led to the conviction of two Christie allies...The judge sentenced Wildstein to three years of probation, noting that he was the only figure in the scandal to accept responsibility for his actions...
Well, it's just like I said way back when -- "Ask yourself how lucky you feel about getting acquitted -- punk!"

(44,900 posts)Last edited Sat Jan 13, 2024, 10:51 AM - Edit history (6)
Due to a bout with homelessness (for which I once again thank DU for helping me get out of), I didn't have much of a Christmas. And though I haven't forgotten that I have been bequeathed the stewardship of the Christie Crime Digest, nothing truly noteworthy has happened in Christie-stan since the sentencing of Kelly and Baroni. However, that changed drastically over Independence Day weekend when Christie shut down the government -- which allowed me to feel like I had awakened on Christmas morning to find a roomful of presents!
Christie knows that the measure by itself would not pass...Not only that, the Governor would "allow" an extra $350 million for schools, legal aid for the poor, and other programs to be included in the Budget if the Legislature agreed to vote...Unfortunately, that split democrats (who are in the majority in both houses)...(I)t's on the Governor, not the Legislature.
The ninety-three cents on the dollar Exxon settlement that Christie left on the table would sure come in handy right now -- wouldn't they have been a smarter company to raid?
First, you order a government shutdown that closes all state parks and beaches on the eve of the 4 July holiday weekend. Then you...spend a good chunk of Sunday soaking up the rays with your family on a pristine stretch of sand that thanks to your order you have entirely to yourselves. Asked about reports that his family was staying at the state residence at Island Beach state park while it was closed to the public, Christie...(said) I didnt get any sun.
Told of the existence of aerial pictures of the governor sitting on the beach members, his spokesman, Brian Murray, conceded Christie was on the beach briefly. But Murray insisted: He did not get any sun. He was wearing a baseball cap.

But while Gov. Chris Christie and his family tanned, the other families burned -- with anger. The other Island Beach residents were ordered out of the homes Friday night under the threat of arrest. They packed up and drove off, right past the governor's summer retreat, its lights ablaze with activity...
Meanwhile, christie got special "Greetings from Asbury Park"...

...and a meme was born...


He'd offered to blunt his veto pen in exchange for two bills the Legislature also delivered: one pledging the state lottery as an asset to the public pension fund and another giving the state more control over the state's largest health insurer, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey. That proposal deeply divided Democratic lawmakers...Christie blamed the state Assembly leader for the budget impasse...
Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, who had refused to allow a vote to be put the lower chamber...and the state Senate health committee chairman tasked with tinkering with the bill emerged from a flurry of private meetings with state Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Horizon CEO Bob Marino...Within hours they had a new bill and a deal...which Christie promptly signed after making what he called "minor changes" to budget language...
...(T)he full restoration of government operations (on 7/5/17) will return about 30,000 furloughed state employees to work...
Did I call Christie a lame duck? Make that a quadriplegic duck! But seriously, folks, with six months left to his stewardship, we can only hope that's he'll allow us to "close the books" on the Christie Crime Digest gracefully. As for life after politics, I'm pretty sure that Exxon, if not Horizon, wouldn't hesitate to hire him!

(44,900 posts)Last edited Tue Jul 18, 2017, 04:43 PM - Edit history (5)
No wonder Wildstein got a get out of jail card:
Peterson grabbed headlines during spring training in 1973 when he announced that he was exchanging wives and kids with fellow Yankee pitcher Mike Kekich.
With friends like him, who needs character references?
But you'll be pleased to know Wildstien isn't letting any grass grow under his feet. He's rejoined the ranks of the respectable by updating his Twitter feed with a copy of his statement to the court and pic of him meeting Tom Kaine as a 7th grader. Someone asked him what Christie knew and when he knew it, but that tweet has since disappeared -- as did this one...
Link to tweet
From zero character to 140 characters...well, you gotta start somewhere...

(44,900 posts)Last edited Thu Apr 22, 2021, 02:36 PM - Edit history (16)
Cue the DU official "Cry Me A River" String Quartet!
I have spent the past three and a half years trying to make amends...Before any cooperation agreement was in place, I met with Assistant United States Attorneys and the FBI...(although) admitting my guilt and accepting responsibility for my actions...does not lessen the seriousness of what I have done...
What he "did" was come up with idea and suggest it to Christie -- Wildstein's only "callous decision" was implementing Bridge(t)-Gate once he received Christie's approval (via Kelly). It isn't as though he's the one who gave the order to carry it out -- right?
NOW we're getting somewhere!
But each of them saw Governor Soprano as their shortcut to the big time. And maybe it wouldn't have been as agonizing if it had been clear which of them reported to who.
Which brings us to the bottom line: The remainder of Wildstein's life will be defined as that of a 55-year-old fifteen-year-old whose entire being was consumed by playing cool kid wannabe Richie Cunningham to Christie's Fonzie. But just as Richie was allowed only to allowed to subsist on the fumes of coolness -- to merely orbit around Fonzie's outer circles -- Wildstein was too dazzled to realize that it simply wouldn't be in Christie's best interests to give him a ticket out of Nerd-istan. And don't forget that Fonzie ended up water ski jumping over a shark while wearing his trademark black leather motorcycle jacket.
(link to entire statement)

(281,666 posts)Bookmarked to read when I return
(119,288 posts)At the time that it began Christie was in the spotlight as a favorite for the 2016 GOP nomination and now his star has faded. I guess that he might be in consideration for some appointment in the Trump administration, but it would require extreme humility for either man to offer or accept a position.
Christie is in great financial shape and he can always set up shop to become an attorney or lobbyist. It is still nice to have this information recorded for easy access if the need arises though.
(44,900 posts)Last edited Wed Sep 12, 2018, 10:55 AM - Edit history (5)
I don't begrudge any political leader a little time off to take in a sporting event -- if anything, it's one of their job duties. But I was surprised to hear that Governor Soprano recently took in a New York Mets baseball game.
It surprised me because native New Jerseyites tend to be Yankee fans if only because they're right over the George Washington Bridge -- not to mention that the Yankees are currently playing so much better than the Mets. I was not surprised, however, to learn that he caught a foul ball at the game: "foul" balls are the only kind that are willing to be seen with him!
However, while I can certainly appreciate that Christie would like to have a job lined up after his governorship ends, I would like to ask on behalf of the 15% of New Jerseyites who still like him that he have the good graces to be discreet about his job hunting efforts:
Christie complained to his co-host Evan Roberts...on air..."They gave us the 10th and 11th of July...These are the two worst sports days of the year...It's ridiculous. I think they're trying to say to us, 'If you guys can be good then, you can be good any time'...They screwed us here..."
Roughly an hour into the show, "John from Montclair" (a town that voted against the governor twice) phoned in to talk about the "horrible job" Christie had done while in office. Later on, "Mike from Montclair" dialed in and called Christie pejorative names and confronted Christie on the "beachgate" scandal in which Christie was caught lounging on the Fourth of July holiday weekend at a New Jersey public beach that was otherwise closed off to the rest of the state's taxpayers.
"I love getting calls from communists in Montclair," Christie quipped.
How perceptive of him to suspect that he was deliberately invited in on the days there would be the least to talk about. But as the saying goes, when life hands you lemons, you're supposed to make lemonade. With his constant potential of most of his sport talk conversations degrading to personal attacks, perhaps it's best that he investigate other employment opportunities...

(44,900 posts)Last edited Fri Jul 28, 2017, 09:19 PM - Edit history (2)
The corruption trial of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez starts in September, and there's been some talk about what Christie will do if it comes down to having to replace him before his time before January:
As the battle over replacing the Affordable Care Act has made abundantly clear(,) Republicans' slim two-vote majority in the Senate and the fact some GOP incumbents up for reelection in 2018 reside in swing states means every vote is crucial for passing parts of the Trump agenda...
Well, if it's technically and legally possible to nominate himself, why not?
"Believe me: When I say I am never running for public office in New Jersey again? I mean I am never running for public office in New Jersey again. The only job left for me to run for is United States Senate, and let me just say this: I would rather die than be in the United States Senate. Okay? I would be bored to death. Can you imagine me bangin' around that chamber with 99 other people? Asking for a motion on the amendment in the subcommittee? Forget it. It would be over, everybody. You'd watch me just walk out and walk right into the Potomac River and drown. That'd be it."
Not even temporarily enough to get President Trump back by voting against him?

(281,666 posts)WTF!!!
(44,900 posts)Last edited Sat Sep 2, 2023, 01:31 PM - Edit history (9)
"They were more hurt by this latest episode than they've been hurt by anything else that has happened in the eight years and they don't understand people's unfairness and, quite frankly, their ignorance."
...After NJ Advance Media published pictures of Christie and his family alone on 10 miles of Island Beach State Park shore, the internet erupted with photo-shopped pictures of the governor and his folding chair in a variety of ever more improbable scenarios...
Well, seeing as how I was a full-fledged contributor to that unfairness both as meme maker and a promoter of the story at DU and elsewhere, I will step forward and take accountability. And I do have a reasonable explanation: Since I couldn't afford to spend Independence Day weekend on even a state beach, I didn't have anything BETTER to do!

Only one Christie's four "children" will still be a minor as of next year. Maybe the real reason why they were so upset is that they were old enough to realize how "unfair" and "ignorant" it was for them be on a beach that no one should have been on because there were no state workers available. Or maybe they were perceptive enough to realize how bad it would make THEM look, and were willing to cancel or postpone: the "fair" and "adult" thing to do. Are Christie's children finally beginning to see their father for who he really is?

(44,900 posts)
(44,900 posts)NY Daily News: The New Jersey...Legislature voted 63-2 with two abstentions to prevent Christie or any future New Jersey governor from using the Island Beach State Park beach mansion during a government shutdown, officials said.

(44,900 posts)Last edited Fri Apr 13, 2018, 02:10 PM - Edit history (7)
*A metaphor, not a weight joke.
Ive met Bon Jovi once, and it was actually at Howard Sterns birthday party, Carney said. Chris Christie was in the room, and Jon Bon Jovi came over and started talking to me, like really intensely. I was like, Wow, why does Jon Bon Jovi want to talk to me? Then I realized it was just because he didnt want to talk to Chris Christie.
Christie and Bon Jovi did attend Sterns birthday party in (January) 2014 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York details of the Bridgegate scandal were unfolding...The two did talk at the Stern party on stage. Christie, whos famously a fan of Bruce Springsteen, introduced Bon Jovi to the Ballroom crowd...
A Bon Jovi rep had no comment on the supposed incident. A rep for Christie said the story is false to the New York Post...
The subject of Bon Jovi came reviewing the(ir) This House is Not for Sale...
The party took place in 2014, and Carney's Vice show took place this past December -- so at the risk of overstating the obvious, why DIDN'T the Asbury Park Press and New York Post consider this news eight months ago? Has Christie been so successful at intimidating the press that they're only beginning to feel it's safer to print negative stuff about him? If so, that means there ought to be a lot more to come!

(44,900 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 20, 2018, 04:50 PM - Edit history (6)
They don't seem to have MRS. Christie's back(side), either.
Bernardsville Officer Timothy Richard...was among the officers tasked with specifically enforcing the states hands-free cell phone law...(he) had no idea that it was the governors wife he'd spotted driving with her cell phone in hand...on April 10...She initially tells him she was simply holding her phone, not using it to make a call...
In May...(Mary Pat) appeared in court and pleaded guilty to a charge of operating a motor vehicle while using a cell phone...(and) paid a $250 fine.
Once again, note the dates: the bust went down in April, the conviction went down in May, but we didn't get to read all about it until seven months later. If the media was worried about looking like they were "picking on" the governor's wife, why run the story at all, never mind during the week before Election Day?

Response to rocktivity (Original post)
rocktivity This message was self-deleted by its author.
(44,900 posts)Last edited Tue Jul 13, 2021, 11:32 AM - Edit history (7)
...It looks like Crew Christie are determined not to go gently into that good night, but with a closing volley of their trademark political tone-deafness and vulgarianism.
By the power vested in me by the stewardship of New Jersey's new governor (Democrat) Phil Murphy, and by this thread's original poster DU-er Laxman, I now officially close the books on the Christie Crime Digest -- Chris Christie style.
As I said, I had every confidence that Christie's departure from office would only showcase his boorishness, and I'm delighted to report that he didn't let us down.
(To) a constituent who was upset that the governor hadn't attempted to merge the constituent's township...Christie said..."It's easier to sit here and complain. But you know what? That's the joy of public service. It's serving you that is really such a unique joy. It really is. You're fabulous."
But as it turns out, those were only the opening acts.
About two weeks after being laid off from a job I'd had for nine years, I had to make one last visit to the personnel office. I did so by doing what I'd done practically every day for each of those nine years: entering the office building, getting on and off the elevator, exchanging pleasantries with employees who were also passing through the reception area, and bypassing the reception desk. As I was completing my business with the personnel exec, security guards turned up.
Why? Because it never entered my mind that since I didn't work there anymore, I should have conducted myself as a mere visitor "like anyone else." I suppose I should have been embarrassed by my carelessness, or offended by being considered a "suspicious" character. But all I could do was laugh -- "Force of habit, guilty as charged!"
But Christie denied the claims in...tweet(s)...saying he was led to one entrance by a Port Authority officer, but was then informed by the TSA that it was the wrong entrance and he was directed to a different gate. Neither option was the way I entered the airport as Governor (wrong in the story) and PAPD officer never denied me entry at either place (also wrong in story), he said...
If Christie was "led" to the first gate, it was most likely the result of his telling the PAPD officer that he wanted to use the gate for the New Jersey governor because he considered it a privilege that he still had: the same innocent mistake that I had made. But his response was classic: portraying himself as the victim -- then elevating himself to the hero -- by attacking "false" reports that he'd tried to "evade" both gates.
Nonetheless, I'm delighted that the Christie Crime Digest is ending on such a sour note. In addition to making it that much easier to say "Good riddance, Governor Soprano," it also makes me that much prouder of the time and effort that everyone invested in the Digest's creation and reading. So I won't say goodbye -- I'll just say, "Thanks, Laxman," and "Would you please take off your flip-flops before passing through the scanner, sir?"

(44,900 posts)The former governor, known for his often brash leadership style that propelled him to the national stage as a tell-it-like-it-is politician, is about to unveil The Christie Institute of Public Policy, a non-profit, nonpartisan institute in part with his alma mater, Seton Hall University School of Law.
I think those of us who are familiar with Gov. Christies civility over the eight years he was in office laughed at what he adopted as the vision for this new institute, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg said...
(F)ormer Assemblyman John Wisniewski said...What I thought was curious, and the word chutzpah comes to mind, is a public policy based on civility...Its like going to Donald Trump asking for lessons on business ethics.
Weinberg and Wisniewski co-chaired the Select Committee that investigated Bridgegate.
If he were going to be the subject of a case study of his incivility, that would work. Physician, heal thyself!
