Related: About this forumWhy is Chris Redfern head of the Ohio Dem Party?
This will be at the least second election that under his guidance/control Ohio Dems have lost key state offices.

(2,178 posts)Ancient stomping ground of the BFEE.
Samuel Prescott Bush, President
(34,773 posts)well.....need to consider this....carefully. Thank you PeoViejo.
(2,178 posts)
Buckeye made much of the rolling stock for the Railroads during the pacification of the West. They were in it right from the beginning.
(11,076 posts)Where are the strong Dem candidates? I heard that we paid consultants to vet the Governor seat! The choice was raw from the get go! The people who currently hold key offices in Ohio, governor, SOS, Treasurer, all have a history of awful deeds against the people. Why would Ohio residents vote to continue to be victimized by their government? We have had documented stolen elections but I fear that they have been rigged for longer than we know!
(35,078 posts)as the repubs. Dewine forgot to renew his Ohio Law license for 10 year the Treasurer had tons of baggage along with Kasichs roll in Lehman's crashing the economy. Big money is hard to fight.
(35,078 posts)local committees didn't much help from state or national offices this time.
(2,012 posts)Unfortunately, the national party seems completely uninterested in cleaning up the cesspool here in Ohio. The money that is being carried out of Ohio for the benefit of a few wealthy people is one of the largest thefts in the history of the US. Crooked charter schools, thefts of public pension money, JobsOhio, pay to play by the Governor and AG, the amount of corrupt state contracts, corruption at the OhioEPA, the list is long enough to keep the national media and national law enforcement busy for years, except no one cares that the Ohio taxpayers are being robbed blind.
These wise guys in Ohio make Blagojevich and Christie look like rank amateurs.
I noticed on one of the news shows on MSNBC last night that the national media figures cannot even pronounce Kasich's name correctly, even though he thinks he will be the next POTUS. They mention he expanded Medicaid in Ohio, but fail to mention that it was only expanded for 2 years, not very compassionate.
Kasich is hardly as strong of a governor as this election makes him look. FitzGerald was just that weak of a candidate. A one-term County Executive with no prior statewide exposure should never have been the Dems' choice to pit against an incumbent. They could have gone with anyone from Sherrod Brown or Richard Cordray, to Mark Mallory, Tim Ryan or Betty Sutton. Any of them would have made this into a genuine race and not the trainwreck mockery of a campaign season it has turned out to be.
Someone hard-hitting could have easily put Kasich on the run by exposing all of his corrupt and criminal dealing. FitzGerald didn't even bring up SB5 from two years ago!
Also, why not a female candidate? She would have rallied women in this state and taken Kasich to task and made him squirm under scrutiny for his misogyny and attack on women's rights alone.
IMHO, too many botched opportunities by the Ohio state Dems, and now we are stuck with Kasich until 2019. He won't fly as president, though he and Jeb seem to be buddy-buddy enough. He could wind up as a VP candidate on a "Bush III" ticket.
In reality, Kasich should be in prison like Blagojevich, but the BFEE probably have his back. That still doesn't explain Redfern's incompetence as Dem state party chair. He needs to resign immediately and go away somewhere, and never come back. Same with FitzGerald.
Hopefully somebody else will step up who knows how to actually bring something to a fight.
(2,577 posts)This entire election was a farce here in Ohio. I can't believe Ohio's Dems can be this inept this often. It's ridiculous.
The level of corruption under Kasich & Co. has been ridiculous, but hasn't gotten much media traction. Instead Kasich & Co. have gotten free passes from media all over the state.
We do have some class Dems ... but you would never know it from this election.
(2,012 posts)The banks desperately need that money especially now that the quantitative easing has been stopped. That $480 million that Kasich helped Lehman Bros take from Ohio pension funds was just a little down payment. Public employee retirees can expect the same treatment as retirees in New Jersey and Michigan are getting, probably a slashing of pensions by at least 50% within the next twelve months, so Kasich can be hailed as the savior of pension funds by the Wolfe and Lindner families media empires.
We can expect the all Ohio assets to be up for sale in the next year, so Kasich can get his conservative credentials in order. Privatizing rest stops, parks, more prisons, state properties of every variety will be wholesale, while we will be regaled with stories in the right wing media how great this thievery is for the state.
If Kasich fails in his bid for national office, his last two years in office will be devoted to the complete looting of what little is left for Ohioans.
The only problem is there are so many states owned by the GOP and their corporate masters, there is no place to go and retirees will have no money to move anywhere anyway. Stock up on cat food while you can still afford it.
How the Ohio Democratic Party could not run a campaign against this crook is beyond me. I know the corporate money is difficult to compete against, but at least make an effort.