Related: About this forumStitt's Day of Prayer and Fasting...
What follows is a letter to the editor to the Tulsa World they chose not to print, i.e., censored. Edited slightly to adjust for time delay...
Outcome of the Governor's "Day of Prayer and Fasting"?
It has been severalweeks since Gov. Stitt issued his proclamation for a "Day of Prayer and Fasting" which at the time I wondered and asked is office what the intended results would be, and how to tell if the outcome was achieved. (No reply.) I am always looking for testable hypotheses.
At the time of the announcement, Gov. Stitt mentioned "healing," comfort," and "renewed strength," though in his actual Proclamation, the Scripture he chose to quote is about turning from "wicked ways" and "forgiveness of sins" in order for the land to be healed. Rather than a "coming together moment", it sounded much more like blaming the victims.
In the weeks since the proclamation, the public health situation has become more dire. The death toll of Oklahomans is rising, shortages of ICU beds is becoming more severe as the Governor continues to reject CDC guidelines and the mitigation strategies of his own department health officials. Oklahoma is now number one in the ratio of positives to the number of tests.
Instead of a "Day of Prayer and Fasting" perhaps Go. Stitt should have instituted a "Day of Competence and Leadership."
S.H., Tulsa

(12,263 posts)We Democrats don't expect anything smart or good from Gov. Slingblade.
(4,633 posts)when his wife said her duty as first lady of OK was to bring everyone to Jesus. He refused to follow CDC testing or protocol and is now refusing to use any guidelines for distributing the vaccine. Hasn't even mentioned calling out the NG to help. We Okies have a phrase for his type "worthless as teats on a bull".
(1,815 posts)Why hasn't there ever been a mask mandate for the entire state? Because he is a moronic, poorly informed fool. Yeah, Jesus will save us all. Sure, fucking idiot!