Related: About this forumBroken Arrow Pride Fest defies crackdowns
Broken Arrow hosted its second-ever Pride festival Saturday afternoon.
Organizers said 1,200 people came through the gates, which was 200 more than they expected.
The celebration of the LGBTQ+ community came amid threats and crackdowns across the State of Oklahoma.
For a celebration, the second-annual Pride Fest in Broken Arrow had a certain air of nervousness.

(1,116 posts)Good to see them standing up!
(1,230 posts)Good on the organizers and those in the community who stood with them, and everyone who participated in the second annual Broken Arrow Pride Fest. Wishing them many happy returns of their Pride Fest for years to come.
That was probably a big risk for all of them. So glad it was successful!
Martin Eden
(13,903 posts)It is appalling and alarming to see so much progress in equal rights for and public acceptance of the LGBTQ community being marched back in the 3rd decade of the 21st century.
Why is this happening?
The Republican Party is stoking fear and hatred for political gain. They can't win on government policy issues that truly serve the interests of the vast majority of people because they are in the pockets of the one percenters who increasingly hoard the wealth produced by the combined efforts of all Americans.
So they distract and divide voters with culture wars, convincing religious folk and ignorant bigots that gender minorities are an evil threat to children. They claim the moral high ground while fostering cruelty and violence, twisting and perverting Christianity for greed and power.
This has got to stop. The LGBTQ community aren't the only Americans being threatened. In their march to transform America from the world's leading democracy into a Christo-fascist state. Blacks, Jews, Muslims, liberals, and anyone who stands up for the highest ideals upon which our nation was founded are being targeted in a deliberate campaign of stochastic terrorism, inciting poisoned minds with eastly access to high powered firearms to acts of violence and mass murder.
This has got to stop.
The political strategy and poisoned ideology of today's Republican Party has to be shown for what it is and resoundingly defeated with ballots, not bullets. Truth must triumph over lies. Kindness has to defeat cruelty. Love must conquer hate. We all need to embrace the better angels of our nature along with indefatigable determination and strength of spirit.