Related: About this forumDo you want Fluoride in your water?
I vote NO. I can't believe Mayor Sam is actually going along with this

Guy Montag
(126 posts)Of course I am against it's use this way.
On the Road
(20,783 posts)so you might want to avoid table salt. I thought this issue was settled in the 50s, if not since then:
(5,756 posts)Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)mike_c
(36,477 posts)...and am fit and healthy, with good teeth. Damn right I support fluoridating water. My daughter, who has drank fluoridated water pretty much ALL her life is in her thirties and has GREAT teeth.
Kids in my generation used to have all kinds of dental problems, but when I talk with dentists today they say that's improved greatly since the advent of fluoridation. Why would anyone oppose good dental health for children?
Chef Eric
(1,024 posts)Fluoride interferes with thyroid function.
It's a matter of balance, and some doctors say that the disadvantages of fluoride outweigh the advantages.
(35,773 posts)Viva_La_Revolution
(28,791 posts)which can be handled via topical treatments. INGESTING it is a whole nother ball game, imho.
Tooth decay in children correlates more closely with poverty rates than with fluoridated water. It's lack of affordable dental care and education. I still see so many babies and little kids drinking soda and kool-aid instead of water.
Fluoride accumulates in the kidneys, and at higher rates in children than adults.
As an adult with Hypothyroidism I've stopped drinking tea (7 times more fluoride than fluoridated water) and I drink filtered tap water, 4-5 big glasses a day. How am I going to avoid it now?
from the link above..
In March of 2006, the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences published a groundbreaking report confirming that chronic, low-level fluoride exposure can cause a variety of serious health conditions, including bone fracture, joint pain, and disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems, including the brain, thyroid and pineal glands (NRC Report, 2006). The NRC Panel unanimously agreed that the current Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) for fluoride (4 ppm) is too high and does not adequately protect against adverse health effects.
This finding is significant because it narrows the margin of safety between the current MCLG of 4 ppm and the recommended 1 ppm which is added to fluoridate drinking water. Several members of the NRC Panel also concluded there is no safe fluoride exposure level for those in our society who are most vulnerable to its deleterious effects, namely infants and children, the elderly, diabetics, high volume water consumers and individuals with decreased kidney and thyroid function.
and as an side-note, I think this is the first time you and I have disagreed in a science thread
(3,163 posts)It applies fluoride in too great concentration, which makes the enamel brittle and subject to fracturing. The effect doesn't show up for years, but has been clearly established. When my family moved from an area which was fluoridated to one which was not my parents had the topical application done on my teeth. I have had four molars shatter when I was in my late 50's and 60's, all four of which were cavity-free. My dentist was mystified until he asked if I'd had topical fluoride application and I told him I had. He said that explained the breakage of my teeth and said that is why he favors its inclusion in drinking water.
(28,791 posts)we also know now that INGESTING it causes other problems that don't show up for years. Children should use no more than a pea size, and make sure they don't swallow (that's the warning on the toothpaste tube in your cabinet). Most people drink one or two glasses of water a day, I drink up to 5 big glasses. Shall I just continue no matter what it's doing to my already failing thyroid? I won't have a choice, will I? 97% of Europe no longer fluoridates their water on the grounds that it mandates compulsory medication.
Trading one bad solution for another bad solution is no solution at all.
(35,773 posts)The question is how can so many Democrats who see the problems with the anti-science nonsense pushed by the right in relation to global warming forget so quickly and fall into believing bizarre conspiracies.
(3,163 posts)I saw that in a movie once, so I know that it's true.
The public water supply has been fouridated in 80% of the country for mre than 75 years, and no ill effect has ever been demonstrated. None. Nada. Zilch. Three generations of Americans have been drinking flouridated water without ill effect. People who oppose it are modern day Luddites. Get real.
(28,791 posts)I suggest you read up on the recent scientific studies
A Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Fluoride
for the shortcut version
Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water
Dr. Hardy Limeback, BSc, PhD, DDS
Associate Professor and Head, Preventive Dentistry
(1,219 posts)It's really staggering the bad advice we've been given, not so that our health can be improved, but so that corporations can profit. Ingesting fluoride is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the decline in our health over the past 40 years or so. So much of the health and nutrition "advice" we've been given has been instigated by corporations and politicians, not scientists.
(46,179 posts)HuckleB
(35,773 posts)The ad hominem attacks, pseudoscience and logical fallacies that pervade the anti-fluoride arguments ought to make it very clear that there is no actual scientific debate, only a weird social one.
It's safe. It's effective. It's saves money.
Response to Viva_La_Revolution (Original post)
LWolf This message was self-deleted by its author.