Pa. Gov.-elect Shapiro's inauguration promises to be a hot ticket, if you can get one

HARRISBURG Tickets to Gov.-elect Josh Shapiros inauguration ceremony and celebration sold out within 48 hours and now efforts are underway to make more available to accommodate people on the waiting lists for those events.
We are humbled by the incredibly high level of excitement and interest in Governor-elect Shapiros swearing-in from all across the commonwealth, said Manuel Bonder, a spokesman for the Shapiro and Lt. Gov.-elect Austin Davis inaugural committee.
Mr. Bonder said in total, thousands of Pennsylvanians will be able to attend the inaugural activities for the states 48th governor and his lieutenant.
Tickets to the inauguration ceremonies for both Mr. Shapiro and Mr. Davis are free. The committee held the ticket price for the evening celebration at $50 to keep it affordable, while sponsorship packages costing as much as $150,000 were sold to help underwrite the costs of the days events.
Both Mr. Shapiro and Mr. Davis will participate in Days of Service activities in the lead-up to their inaugurations with the first happening on Saturday in Pittsburgh, followed by one in Philadelphia on Sunday and then as part of Harrisburgs Central Pennsylvania MLK Day of Service on Monday.
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Best of luck and good wishes to our new Governor and Lt. Governor.!