GOP Lawmaker, himself an abuse survivor, asks party to unbundle constitutional amendments

HARRISBURG A Pennsylvania survivor-turned-lawmaker asked his fellow Republicans to unbundle three constitutional amendments this week to ensure statute of limitations reform ends up on the May primary ballot.
State Rep. Jim Gregory, R-Blair, pleaded with the House Republican Policy Committee on Monday to separate the issue from two other amendments voter ID and regulatory reform that Democrats reject. During his gripping testimony, Mr. Gregory detailed the lifelong impact he and other survivors face including his own brother, who died of a cocaine overdose in the 1980s.
We found out years later that he had shared with my sister, eight years younger, unbeknownst to all of us, that he had been sexually abused at 15 by a 30-year-old man who befriended my family and took him to the local racetrack because my brother liked to watch the races, Mr. Gregory said.
That was many years ago, but when Im here today, I can at least go home to my dad and say that he didnt die in vain, that I can talk for him, he added.
Mr. Gregory, along with House Speaker Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, sponsored a constitutional amendment in 2021 to open a two-year window in which adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse could sue their perpetrators in civil court.
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If only Rep. Jim Gregory had spoken up last year when former Governor Tom Wolf demanded that the proposed constitution amendments be unbundled. Why didn't Rep. Gregory say anything then?
These amendments are important issues - they cannot all be thrown into a minor primary election where Pennsylvania voters rarely participate. Each amendment is a weighty decision that should be discussed and voted on separately by all Pennsylvania voters. The Repukes are still trying to ram these through with as little notice as possible.
Thank you Jim Gregory, and I hope it's not too late.