Related: About this forumPunxsutawney, PA - GROUND HOG'S DAY - FEB. 2, 2023
Gov. Josh Shapiro is actually there (this is the first time I have ever "seen" a PA governor there at the event although I haven't researched if/when previous ones have gone there).
Stream -
I can't believe they are doing fireworks at 6:30 in the morning.
(ETA - the temp is 17F there )

(108,114 posts)would assume:
It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and sees its shadow due to clear weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early.
Doesn't it seem like if he emerged, and saw his shadow because of a sunny clear day that would mean spring would arrive early instead?
Such are superstitions, I guess. Not meant to make sense.

(148,024 posts)"clear skies" (and usually gentle or no wind) means "perfect radiational cooling" and thus very low temps and "not time to come out of hibernation".
Temp had dropped to 14 there before sunrise.
(11,293 posts)Rumor has it that they started with a red squirrel and could only move a couple days so they had to get a more powerful rodent.
(12,837 posts)Wouldn't go over well today.
Joe Cool
(1,049 posts)It is GROUNDHOG (one word) Day. No apostrophe s in GROUNDHOG.
(148,024 posts)with tons of holes in my sisters' yards as well as ravaging through their veggie gardens. They are not just a western PA thing.
*I* call them that because they ARE "hogs" (not literal species though)- and sometimes called "whistle pigs". I have actually heard a couple groundhog babies at my sister's house "whistling" in alarm under her deck looking for their mother..
Joe Cool
(1,049 posts)I never said it was just a Western PA thing. I corrected the spelling of the holiday.
(148,024 posts)and I have seen you write where you are from many many many many times since you joined DU.
It's a Philly thing here with respect to the infamous critter who does give PA a tourism boost, but gives meteorologists and weather hobbyists like myself, a chuckle, but also gives gardeners (also like myself) the desire to have them relocated out of their yards.
Response to BumRushDaShow (Reply #11)
Joe Cool This message was self-deleted by its author.
Joe Cool
(1,049 posts)That is rich coming from someone with over 107k posts on here.
(148,024 posts)Welcome to DU (I have interacted you since you joined just before the 2022 election).
(148,024 posts)Sanity Claws
(22,129 posts)Well, we've had a mild winter thus far. Another 6 weeks like that is okay.
(148,024 posts)Link to tweet
As we await the groundhog's winter prediction, let's look back at how the groundhog's predictions have done in the past. Courtesy of @NOAANCEI:
7:17 AM · Feb 2, 2023

It's supposed to warm up here in eastern PA after this weekend's expected arctic blast. I guess as long as the cold snap takes out those damn lanternflies and stinkbugs, I'll be happy.

Sanity Claws
(22,129 posts)What are you? A Democrat?
(148,024 posts)Phil's 40% success rate over a 10 year period, ain't bad.
Of course "6 weeks" from now is the vernal equinox so...
NOAA's NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) has been tracking his predictions and has the data back to 1887 for his first -
(3,609 posts)Instead of a groundhog they haul Benny the Bass out and if he eats the minnow ..six more weeks of Winter. It is followed by fireworks at sunrise. If you ever get a chance to see sunrise fireworks take it. They are really quite beautiful! There is a photo at the link. Happy Groundhog Day! 😁
(148,024 posts)but I know that many pets are horrified.
I didn't run into that until one of my sisters got a black lab about 7 years ago and saw how he freaked out on July 4.
(3,609 posts)Saturday I saw a couple who brought their two dogs to the fireworks!😳 She said it was their first fireworks! Those people had no clue. Our neighbor shoots off fireworks at New Year. The poor puppers get it at every turn!
(148,024 posts)let alone their enhanced aural ability/sensitivity. We laugh about how their dog "can hear an Amazon truck coming from 2 blocks away" and will start barking.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)My wife comes to the door and asks if the dog was down here with me. I answer yes.
She says I thought so. I just opened the jar of peanut butter pretzels and bingo he was standing right behind me.
That dog does not miss a thing.
If I say the word Lowe's he starts dancing.
(148,024 posts)
Sanity Claws
(22,129 posts)at least for New York City. He has an 80% accuracy rate. Take that Phil! Go back to your hidey-hole.
(148,024 posts)Sanity Claws
(22,129 posts)Could that explain his 80% accuracy rate?
(148,024 posts)Link to tweet
Record Warmth took place last month (January) with records being set at all six of our climate sites (Central Park, LaGuardia, Kennedy, Islip, Newark, and Bridgeport). See the image for the details! #nycwx #nywx #njwx #ctwx #liwx
4:24 PM · Feb 1, 2023

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The wait is over. ❄️❄️
Central Park recorded the first measurable snowfall of the season this morning, with nearly half an inch as of 5:30 AM.
This is latest first measurable snowfall for the season since record keeping began in 1869. #NYwx
5:49 AM · Feb 1, 2023
CPK did get 0.1" more than we did here at PHL though but the handwriting was on the wall!
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🗒️🌡️💧 The January 2023 climate summary is here! It's no surprise that the entire area was 8-11° above normal for the month. In fact, Allentown and Georgetown experienced their warmest January on record. #PAwx #NJwx #DEwx #MDwx
January 2023 climate summary for the region. All stations experienced a top 4 warmest January on record.
12:44 PM · Feb 1, 2023

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The over. There was 0.3" of snow measured in Philly this morning. Thus ends the consecutive days without measurable snow in Philly streak at 325 days. Time to start a new streak!
7:38 AM · Feb 1, 2023

(36,747 posts)... but I never take down my storm windows until mid-May. I've lived here too long and I know how those warm days can fool us into thinking it's over. Then Bam! The nasty cold weather is right back here again. We've gotten snow in April a few times, but it's gone right away.
I never get too excited by Punxsutawney Phil's predictions.
(148,024 posts)Some years he is feisty and looking around at the madness and crowds but this morning, he was either completely frozen from the cold or was "just chilling" thinking "What a bunch of fools...".