Gov. Josh Shapiro asks Pennsylvania lawmakers to abolish the death penalty
Shapiro also said he plans to continue former Gov. Tom Wolfs moratorium on executions.
Pennsylvanias last execution was in 1999.

Gov. Josh Shapiro called on the state legislature to end the death penalty in Pennsylvania on Thursday, marking the first time a governor has formally asked the General Assembly to abolish the controversial practice.
Inside a West Philadelphia church, Shapiro also said he would extend the moratorium on executions that was put in place eight years ago by Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf.
The commonwealth shouldnt be in the business of putting people to death, period, Shapiro said. At its core, for me, this is a fundamental statement of morality, of whats right and wrong, in my humble opinion. And I believe as governor that Pennsylvanians must be on the right side of this issue.
Pennsylvanias last execution, in 1999, was the lethal injection of Gary Heidnik, who raped and tortured six women he kept chained in the basement of his Franklinville home, then killed and dismembered two of them.
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