Related: About this forumN.J. courts collect racial data during jury selection. Pennsylvania advocates want similar reforms.

Philadelphia Inquirer link:
Its one of a host of changes New Jersey began last year, including limiting how extensively trial lawyers can examine jurors backgrounds when seeking to remove potential jurors from serving on a particular case.
Other efforts, such as implicit bias training for court staffers, and education campaigns about the benefits of jury duty in marginalized communities, are also underway.
Civil rights groups and legal experts lauded the reforms, saying the jury selection process has long kept working-class people and people of color from participating in a key function of the criminal justice system.
- more at link -
This is more of an op-ed piece than a news article, in my opinion. It has merit and needs to be discussed further for the metro areas of Philly and Pittsburgh, and some of the higher-population counties of Pennsylvania.
However there are several low-population rural counties in PA too, and the concentration of non-white residents in those areas is below the threshold. It's not always about civil rights, sometimes it's simply about "who lives in my town and who are my peers."

(19,382 posts)So many want out of jury duty because its an economic drain. Yes some companies compensate but gig and working class often dont get that. Even a waiter may get salary but no tips for the week or longer. Thats not good. And now youre going to have to force more people to sit on a jury that may not be able to afford it. Just great.
I like the idea but financial awareness needs to be part of it.
(842 posts)The state should pay the average daily wage of whoever they ask to serve - unless otherwise compensated by the company.
As a salaried employee, I get paid, but my wife wouldn't with her company.
From Allegheny Courts:
"In accordance with State law, a juror summoned to serve shall receive compensation at the rate of $9.00 a day for the first three days of service and $25.00 a day for each day thereafter. In addition, jurors shall be compensated for mileage at the rate of 17¢ per mile."
Like, that doesn't cover parking downtown!!
(19,382 posts)If you have a two month jury, youd be bankrupt unless you had enough in savings which many dont. I know most dont last that long, but some definitely do.
(842 posts)Think about those serving on that Synagogue Mass murdering a$$hole!
They basically have to pay out of pocket just to go there for months, and may lose income because they're not working!
(19,382 posts)No wonder people do anything to get out of jury duty. Their lives depend on it. I am embarrassed to admit that I used to look unfavorable at those that tried to get out of jury duty, no more. Im wide awake!