Philly Dems Opt Not To Endorse in District Attorney Race
Philadelphias Democratic ward leaders voted last night to not endorse a candidate in this years contest for District Attorney, turning their back on current office holder Larry Krasner.
It is the second time in four years that the group has opted to rebuff the progressive incumbent and the second consecutive time that the ward leaders have stayed out of the endorsement game after not backing a candidate in the 2023 race for mayor.
The party will have an open primary between Krasner and challenger Patrick Dugan. Each of the 66 individual wards and their leaders will be able to make endorsements for the candidate of their choosing. Sample ballots handed out at each polling place could have an X for either candidate or they could be left blank.
Former U.S. Rep. Bob Brady, chair of the Democratic City Committee, said that the groups Policy Committee was split on an endorsement and he hopes that the decision allows for individual ward leaders to make decisions that are best for their own neighborhoods.