Conservative Pgh Tribrune-Review highlights possible cuts to Medicaid
FYI, the Trib is based in Greensburg in Westmoreland county, a GOP stronghold and full of Trumpers. They were funded by RM Scaife for many years and still reflect his rw values. Imo, this is significant that they did a front page story on Medicare/Medicaid.
Nearly a quarter of Pennsylvanians are on Medicaid, the joint federal-state program that covers medical costs for poor people along with nursing home and personal care home expenses. If Republicans on Capitol Hill target Medicaid as they seek to slash federal spending by $2 trillion and enact $4.5 trillion in tax cuts, the impact could be devastating. Medicaid, along with Medicare, a federal health insurance for those over 65, have long been considered sacrosanct programs.
President Trump has pledged not to cut them, but many lawmakers remain concerned about Medicaids future.
Below is a primer on Medicaid, why it is under fire and what could happen if it were cut.
and this little nugget
A poll released Monday found 70% opposed the elements of the House Republican budget bill that would: extend all tax cuts in the Trump tax law, including for the wealthy; add new tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy; add new tax cuts for tipped workers; and cut Medicaid, food stamps, and aid to the poor.
It was conducted Feb. 12 through 16 before the bill passed by Hart Research and surveyed a national cross-section of 1,011 voters.