Mercer County Democratic Party prepares for upcoming elections
MERCER CO., Pa. (WKBN) The Mercer County Democratic Party is prepping for elections coming in May and November.
The organization held a petition signing Saturday. Signatures are needed to get on the ballot for those looking to run. The number of signatures needed depends on the position.
Local and county democrat politicians were there as well as candidates for judges five of them are looking to retain their position.
Diane Syphrit with Mercer County Democrats explains why this election is important for their party.
Its generational. If we do not retain these judges, it will be 10 years before we have an opportunity again to put a Democrat in those seats. Three of them are the Supreme Court. It helps us give the majority to the Supreme Court with what were doing in upholding Pennsylvanias constitution, which is really important, Syphrit said.