South Carolina
Related: About this forumsome candidates will tell you what you want to hear
you be the judge:
If Tea Party people support a guy that loves ear marks, big spending, big govt opposed National Right to Work legislation, tec
I dont think the Tea Party people will support Santorum once they see this video of Santorum.
Rick Santorums Real Concerns About The Tea Party

(3,880 posts)here is how he voted when a senator:
Santorums voting record shows that he embraced George Bushstyle big-government conservatism. For example, he supported the Medicare prescription-drug benefit and No Child Left Behind.
He never met an earmark that he didnt like. In fact, it wasnt just earmarks for his own state that he favored, which might be forgiven as pure electoral pragmatism, but earmarks for everyone, including the notorious Bridge to Nowhere. The quintessential Washington insider, he worked closely with Tom DeLay to set up the K Street Project, linking lobbyists with the GOP leadership.
(253 posts)It doesn't matter what party they claim. They are all completely full of shit. I would respect them if they would at least tell us they're full of shit and don't care what we think. Instead they lie to us, and then do whatever the fuck they want.
Don't want my vote because I'm black? Just say so. My feelings won't be hurt.
Don't want my vote because I'm self employed and you can't buy my vote with promises of social program spending? Fuck you too.
They speak to us like we're children, or idiots, or maybe both. It's insulting.