Related: About this forumMy daughter's best friend was exposed to Covid
Here's how bollixed up things are in TN. She woke up in the night with chills. This morning she had a sore throat. So she figured she needed a test. You have to register for the test online, but there are no questions about whether you have symptoms or for how long. Then you go to the test site. And wait. And wait. Just to check in. After 2 1/2 hours, she was asked if she had symptoms. Yes. For how long? Since last night. "Oh, we can't test you until you've had symptoms for 24 hours. Come back tomorrow." (And expose everyone else while you sit here for another 2 1/2 hours).
Wouldn't it just be simpler to ask that on the website where you register? Jesus, Tennessee.

Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)took her several days to even get into an appointment. Found out she is positive and because of the sound of her heart they sent her to the hospital.
She is the daughter I would pick if one could and this has me simply scared for her.
Turns out she has both Covid and Viral Pneumonia. Really lovin' that unvaccinated co-worker..........
(11,689 posts)and the co-worker are both vaccinated but not yet boostered. Booster shots are slow in TN too. Grrr. I wish my family would GTFO.
(291 posts)It's expected when the vacc is based on the original variant from 2 yrs ago :/
(11,692 posts)My son gets tested regularly, he works in food service, and he never has symptoms. (He's vaxxed and all, but coworkers keep popping positive.) He lives in East Tennessee near Virginia.
Also, my daughter came to Tennessee for a visit on the farm right before Christmas. She lives in LA and couldn't get a booster shot appointment there, so she made an appointment at a local Walgreens for while she was here. They had so many open appointments it was silly. But we are in the heart of Trump country, outside Knoxville, so most here are anti-vaxxers.
If it's not that far away and you really need your booster, checkout East Tennessee.
I got mine at the VA back in November.
(11,689 posts)east Tennessee! She lives in a small town halfway between Knoxville and Johnson City and works in Dolly's home town. Tennessee is a freakin' MESS! And she's one of my other-kids, so I'm pissed. Don't get mama mad!
(11,692 posts)Yeah, I live further north.
Sorry your daughter was given the run around.
(18,093 posts)Essentially you're on your own when it comes to testing. We have a governor who is apathetic to Covid and is more interested in how he looks to the MAGA crowd, essentially a coward's Ron DeSantis, and a legislature that is full of idiots who want to pretend the pandemic is over and Covid is no big deal.
Meanwhile, nearly every hospital in the state is at a breaking point...
(52,672 posts)are ridiculously low. I bet about 30% of Covid cases are not reported.