Peter Foster: Inside one of the U.S. Bible Belt’s growing number of atheist ‘churches’

Peter Foster: Inside one of the U.S. Bible Belts growing number of atheist churches
Peter Foster, Special to National Post | August 12, 2014 6:35 AM ET
Viewed from the outside, the pointy-roofed building in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee deep in the heart of Americas Bible Belt, looks very much like a church.
And stepping inside, where a congregation is swaying along to music, listening to sermons and discussing ways to help their local community, it sounds very much like a church too.
There is, however, one rather fundamental missing ingredient that sets this congregation apart from the hundreds of others turning out to worship this Sunday morning in Nashville: this is a church without God.
Started in London in January 2013 by a pair of British stand-up comedians, Sunday Assembly offers a church experience but without the God part and, according to organizers, it is starting to catch on in America.