Tennessee Capitol Press Corps Responds to Reporter's Exclusion From GOP Caucus Meeting
The House Republican caucus earlier this week held a closed-door meeting, shutting out a Tennessean reporter who was there to cover the caucus.
If that doesn't sound like a problem, remember how big the Republican caucus is these days. Republicans at the state legislature have achieved a supermajority, also known as a walkout-proof majority. That name comes from the fact that there are now so many Republicans in the legislature that the Democrats could walk out of the building and it wouldn't matter. There would still be enough legislators in the chamber for Republicans could go on making laws. In other words, a meeting of the Republican caucus is, effectively, a meeting of the legislative branch of Tennessee government.
In response to the closed-door meeting, the Capitol Press Corps dwindling, but important, bunch that they are sent a letter Rep. Ryan Williams, the newly elected chairman of the House GOP caucus.
Read more: http://www.nashvillescene.com/news/pith-in-the-wind/article/20846403/tennessee-capitol-press-corps-responds-to-reporters-exclusion-from-gop-caucus-meeting