Related: About this forumWisconsin libraries would have to notify parents about the books their kids check out under GOP proposal
library shelves full of books
Wisconsin libraries would have to notify parents about the books their kids check out under GOP proposal
A separate bill would also repeal a protection for librarians related to distributing obscene materials
By Anya van Wagtendonk Friday, November 24, 2023, 5:00am
Young people's use of libraries would face increased scrutiny under Republican bills being considered in the Wisconsin Legislature.
Opponents of such restrictions said they tend to target books that deal with LGBTQ+ themes or issues of diversity or discrimination.
The Wisconsin proposals would require librarians and school librarians to alert parents about what kids under 16 are checking out.
The bills come at a time when Wisconsin Republicans are again proposing what they call a "Parents Bill of Rights," which would, among other things, give parents the power to review instructional materials for their kids.
Taken together, the legislation amounts to "intimidation on librarians and educators, all under the guise of parental rights," argued Kasey Meehan, the Freedom to Read Program Director at PEN America, which advocates for free expression rights................................

Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)I feel sorry for my friends and family that still live there. I only hope they can escape the grip of the American Taliban.
(41,743 posts)The Republican Party has been overtaken by hateful bigots. Their obsession with other peoples lives, down to the books they read is depraved.
(45,656 posts)My library system requires a parent or guardian signature for all library cards issued to minors. Presumably most libraries require this. Any parent who is that obsessed with what their little darlings are reading just needs to keep that card number and PIN handy. They can log in to Little Darling's account and see everything that's checked out to them.
If only they had a fraction of that concern for keeping guns out of their little darlings' hands.
(7,338 posts)This is the extension of the dumbing down of the majority. Scott Walker started it by breaking the teachers' unions.
Things seem like they are changing, but oh so slowly. When the right wing in Wisconsin is willing to lie, steal, and cheat to push its agenda, it can be very discouraging.
In a recent election, the results offer some hope for Wisconsin, with the election of a liberal Supreme Court Justice changing the balance to 4-3 liberal.
(29,941 posts)Do not educate the masses.
(7,338 posts)≈
(29,941 posts)Where gerrymandering isnt so critical to outcomes.
Maybe new WI SC will end the gerrymandeing.
(17,605 posts)sybylla
(8,655 posts)The WisGQP is so freaking desperate for an issue. One thing Wisconsin voters go for again and again is education. (See referenda passed the last 3 election cycles as a percentage of the whole.)