Related: About this forumTrump draws less than 200 supporters at his "giant Wisconsin rally."

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Ha! Trumps MAGA campaign rally tonight in Green Bay, Wisconsin had a pathetically SMALL turnout way less than 500 people!
Do NOT share this Trump will be really UPSET! 🤣🤣
#Trump #MAGA
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(6,663 posts)You can't fix stupid. Believe me, I have tried with a family full of them. it's a waste of time and energy.
(11,765 posts)Oopsie Daisy
(5,438 posts)* pull-out accordion room dividers, fold-up roll-away lunch tables, and a small platform stage for plays, chorals and pageants. I can smell the spilled milk and sour mop-water from here.
(6,769 posts)than that at a good sized church bingo night.
(7,395 posts)With this crowd and speaker, you have a decent chance of getting your wallet picked while you listen to the timeshare pitch.... err.... "political speech".
Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,498 posts)than have to sit with a bunch of goofball Magats and listen to the rants, gibberish and non-stop whining from Don Poorleone.
Blue Owl
(55,629 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,149 posts)Simeon Salus
(1,430 posts)In a room full of GED certificates.
(19,487 posts)If 50% have a high school diploma or a GED certificate I'd be flabbergasted.
(7,531 posts)So they held it in a tiny room to make it look like a lot more people.
Trump should have had thousands there, not hundreds. The luster is fading.
I get the feeling the crowd is made up of groupies that follow Trump from rally to rally.
(19,487 posts)because "his assholiness" would cry like a baby if there were only 100 people or so in attendance.
(11,693 posts)It seemed very quick and hesitant.
And what's with that hang them high guy? He sounds like he has a serious head cold. I bet it's COVID.
(6,618 posts)Supporting a treasonous criminal. Sad.
(19,487 posts)many are paid "supporters" who sign agreements to not embarrass their messiah.
Nothing with Trump is as it seems. It's all carefully planned and choreographed, even the so-called "spontaneous" acts they showcase.
(7,000 posts)Some are very well known by now...
(1,302 posts)JoseBalow
(7,000 posts)I'm not sure where they source their shills. My guess is they recruit local "talent" via some area nazi facebook groups, or straight from talent agencies...
Remember how he filled his 2015 phony campaign kick-off with paid actors?
Donald Trumps big presidential announcement Tuesday was made a little bigger with help from paid actors at $50 a pop.
New York-based Extra Mile Casting sent an email last Friday to its client list of background actors, seeking extras to beef up attendance at Trumps event.
We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement, reads the June 12 email, obtained by The Hollywood Reporter. We understand this is not a traditional background job, but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought.
Everything he says and does is bullshit

(19,775 posts)...to get the kid in the frame with Trump. *GAG*
I hope that child grows up to be a woke af liberal!
(7,395 posts)But maybe not enough there to make a dollar holler.
(2,855 posts)As an actor, I've performed before audiences of nearly 2,000. And I wasn't the star.
Old Crank
(5,379 posts)Attendees
(24,545 posts)Bless his heart.
(11,912 posts)The appropriate number should around 5. Maybe 7, if the event falls on his birthday.
Jimbo S
(3,032 posts)The local TV news stations hyped his visit for a few days leading up (as well as Biden's visit to Madison on Monday). I know the weather wasn't the best, but these are cult members. In an area that leans conservative.
(24,988 posts)When will the light come on for these idiots, that no one likes their candidate? That's he's a rapist, a crook, a scam artist, a scammer, and certainly not a Christian.
God warned people to beware of false prophets, and here these idiots are, doing just that, worshipping him.
(4,132 posts)Even his MAGAts realize it. SAD! 😭
(19,775 posts)...of why I keep saying he obviously doesn't have nearly as much support as he used to have.
He is NOT going to win in November. He'll try to steal the election, because he knows that's his only hope. But the country will be ready for him this time!
He's going down down down down...
(34,740 posts)SarahD
(1,732 posts)They were giving away little Packer antenna pendants across town.
(1,302 posts)Landscaping.
Remember the YUGE turnout when Rudy was there. Just sayin'.