Pro-choice ads to roll out on Halifax buses
Pro-choice ads to roll out on Halifax buses
Campaign will counter anti-abortion ads on bus stops
Lauren Strapagiel
Published: March 18, 2014, 3:07 pm
Ads carrying a pro-choice message will appear on Halifax buses starting Monday in response to an anti-abortion campaign.
The latest campaign from Halifax group Signs4Life appeared in January. The ads, which appeared on transit shelters and buses, showed a baby with the caption Luc was born today but his life began nine months ago.
The website being advertised contains links to crisis pregnancy centres which seek to discourage women from aborting while providing information on adoption and pregnancy care. As reported in January, some of these websites contain inaccurate information, including false connections between breast cancer and abortion that have been refuted by major medical organizations.
In response, The South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre (SoHo) partnered with Allison Sparling to raise funds for pro-choice ads to offer a rights-affirming message on Halifax transit. Through a GoFundMe crowdsourcing campaign and private donations, they met their $4,000 goal... MORE