Related: About this forumArticle: Because I am Christian, I'm not voting Conservative
From the Toronto Star:
I will not be voting Conservative at the forthcoming election. Not because I am committed to party politics far from it and nor because I am convinced of the righteousness of any particular politicians I am certainly not but for one very simple reason. I am a Christian. Yes, I will not be voting Conservative because I am a Christian.
My own conservative credentials began to evaporate more than 18 months ago when I embraced equal marriage and once the door is unlocked it has a habit of opening wide. The journey from legalism to love, or religion to relationship, isnt directly political as such and its dangerous and facile to overly politicize faith. But its also downright naïve to think that religion and politics have no mutual hinge. Cue the usual attacks because someone has dared to change his mind, as though evolution is a sin and ideological and spiritual stubbornness a virtue.
In terms of environmental protection and ecological concern the argument is almost axiomatic. Contrary to how even other conservative parties and administrations have behaved, the Harper government has allowed ideology to triumph over scientific reality and has empowered deniers who are not given table-room elsewhere. I interviewed many of them over the years and while theyre not always the big oil puppets their opponents claim, they are generally politicians more than experts.
The poor and marginalized? The governments taxation policies have reversed a long-standing tradition of redistribution and have encouraged the perception that tax is a burden rather than a duty. Weve heard too much about the other and of the so-called undeserving and this is as un-Christian as it is un-Canadian. We share therefore we are.
I feel like Harper's going to die the death of 1000 cuts with articles like this. Just little things constantly picking away at his base and pushing him further and further out of the mainstream.
I'm still aiming at the NDP slate in my riding, but it's been an NDP stronghold for ages. I'm not changing much where I live, though this will be my husband's first federal election since he gained citizenship (immigrated from the USA).

(55,101 posts)I agree with you that this person is not the only one feeling this way, moderate Conservatives, some religious, who are disgusted with the "Harper government" and their racist, sexist, arrogant actions.
I feel like most really conservative right wingers will dismiss this article out of hand as coming from the "ultra-liberal Toronto Star" or whatever axe it is they have to grind right now. But yeah, it was a good little read. Reminds me a bit of Bernie's speech at Liberty University in the States. People are finally coming around (slowly) to the idea that current conservative "values" are not really compatible with Christian values.
But what do I know? I'm just a heathen godless progressive atheist
(55,101 posts)are nauseating hypocrites. Those who actually practice their faith instead of just 'mouthing' it are more like the person in your OP. LOL at your "I'm just a heathen godless progressive atheist". Ditto.
Forgot to add homo to that.
I should get a shirt printed: "Heathen godless progressive atheist homo."
(55,101 posts)Harper and his zealots, homophobic, racist, sexist zealots, would have a freaking heart attack if they saw it. Fewer votes for him if that happened, lol.
(3,321 posts)that has "Fucking Faggot" stenciled across the front. A friend of mine made it when he was making stenciled shirts to sell. It garners one of three reactions:
1) Absolute scorn
2) Hilarity
3) "OMG! Where did you get that!? Where can I get one?"
Though I just about never wear it any more. Worked much better when I was in my 20's. Pushing 40, it's not so clever
(55,101 posts)memory chest, most don't fit anymore but the great memories from when I wore them are still very much alive.
(7,748 posts)
Response to Saviolo (Reply #2)
arikara This message was self-deleted by its author.
(5,562 posts)Came across as rude, I shouldn't go around knocking Christians any more than any other group.
(7,748 posts)longship
(40,416 posts)Saviolo
(3,321 posts) xpost it to General Discussion, because it dovetails with what's happening in the US right now.