Blessed Be the Meme Makers
Last night, Rees-Mogg caused a bit of a stir by lounging undecorously on the front benches during proceedings, finally being called out on it by Caroline Lucas:
The picture of Jacob Rees-Mogg lying down on the job will haunt the Tories for decades

When the tale is told of the first parliamentary vote of Boris Johnsons premiership, it will mention his spectacular failure to win it; his removal of the whip from lifelong Conservatives including former cabinet members and Churchills grandson; and his loss of a majority, and potentially the forcing of a general election on a tired and bitterly divided British public.
But after the immediate repercussions of this weeks' vote are over, there will be an image from last night that hangs around Tory necks for years to come: Jacob Rees-Mogg lying horizontal on the front bench as he listened to the debate, lounging insouciantly like a rebel child defying nanny, showing all the grace of Kevin the Etonian Teenager.
Rees-Moggs disdain for parliament, for democracy, for his colleagues could not have been made clearer. His body language screamed I shouldnt have to be here listening to you people. It was a pose designed to suggest this debate shouldnt have taken place at all. But it was a mistake and one that will haunt him and his party for decades.
Let the haunting begin. The image has already inevitably spawned a number of Photoshops. My favourite is: