All it can do now is blame the paintbrush...

A recent letter in the Irish Times as seen on the interwebs. Emphasis mine
Hard Brexit DUP in a nutshell. In the before times the DUP had a really strong hold on the unionist community. Run by complete numpties - but that is what happens when people only vote on the constitution - the brightest and the best want nothing to do with hardliner green and orange - so they pushed for Brexit. They literally did not have the wit to figure out that the Good Friday Agreement trumps everything - either that or they thought they could smash it. What they failed to realise is that in these after times the constitution is not the only game in town anymore and trying to impose a hard Brexit border is not the winner they thought it should be with middle class unionists - they are too busy applying for their Irish passports (seriously)....heh.
I know this letter this is about the DUP in the main - but it can apply equally to the far right English nationalists that currently cling to the highest offices in the land. The best way to strengthen the union would have been to vote remain... what silly rabbits.