Election Reform
Related: About this forumElectoral College on trial-Verdict?
Barbara Boxer, one of the feistiest Democratic Senators in Congress, will do her best to get rid of the Electoral College. She introduced a bill Tuesday to put an end to this institution that dates back to the Founding Fathers. One of the myths out there is that the whole concept came into being because the group couldn't make a decision around the idea of the popular vote decision so they settled on the Electoral College. If so, it's time for a change.
Boxer said, "The Electoral College is an outdated, undemocratic system that does not reflect our modern society, and it needs to change immediately. Every American should be guaranteed that their vote counts." [link:CNN also quoted|CNN also quoted] Donald Trump tweeting this in 2012, "The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." Now he's all for keeping it. It has already chalked up two recent disasters: Gore-Bush in 2070, now Clinton-Trump in 2016.
The problem with the California Senator's bill is that two-thirds of each house of Congress must pass it plus approval in three quarters of states. Finding the states to make the change might not be so hard but convincing an overwhelming conservative Congress is another thing. All 435 House seats are up for reelection in 2018, 33 Senate seats. Hate to say it again, but look forward to 2018.
Passionate & Progressive

Asa Gordon
(16 posts)et.al.
Update: Gordon v NARA et.al.(Case 1:16-cv-02458-RJL )
All filings will be posted in pdf at:
Plaintiff Feb.10th, 2017 Court flings:
Federal question, did NARA officials certify Certificates of Votes for presidential electors in violation of the Office of Trust clause of Art.II§1 and/or the malapportionment penalty for citizen right to vote "abridgment" clause of Amend. XIV§2 of the U.S. Constitution, facilitating the election of the president in 2016 by an illegally constituted Electoral College? ]
...Plaintiff's AMENDED COMPLAINT is supported by Defendants unwitting affirmation of Plaintiff's principle claim in their Motion to Dismiss... Thus Defendants affirm their authority and responsibility to ensure the constitutional integrity of presidential electors submitted by the states. This singular unwitting admission by Defendants constitutes a nugatory refutation of the entire set of arguments Defendants posit in their now fatally flawed Motion to Dismiss.
...Plaintiff seeks to move this Court to issue declaratory judgments and provide injunctive relief to ensure NARA faithfully discharges its responsibilities in regards to oversight of future presidential elections to certify the integrity of Article II Section 1 presidential electors and inclusive as amended by Section 2 Fourteenth Amendment presidential electors in order to effect an unbiased administration by NARA of all of the constitutional provisions governing presidential elections.
... There is facial evidence that Defendants are complicit in the illegitimate seating of at least 50 Trump Electors in the recent Electoral College in violation of U.S. Const. art. II, § 1. There is facial evidence that Defendants are complicit in at least 62 legitimate Clinton Electors not being seated in the recent Electoral College as alleged in the original complaint in violation of U.S. Const. amend. xiv, § 2.