Election Reform
Related: About this forumMT voters disfavor Citizens United.
Montana 100 years ago had a long tradition of corporations buying politicians. Montana , normally a Red State, yesterday voted that Corporations are NOT people. This should be a huge issue.. Bets are , the US Supreme Court , in this case; will not recognize the nature of the Federalist System and that Montana Corporations are still 'people.'.
.Ballot initiatives pass by wide margin
A strong majority of Montanans voted in favor of I-166, a hotly contested item establishing that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not human beings. A major component of the initiative deals with campaign spending, but the intricacies of political speech reach into government throughout the election cycle. In upholding I-166, Montanans affirm that money is to be considered property, rather than a form of speech.

(108,903 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,522 posts)cyclezealot
(4,802 posts)Think they are Gods.. The views of we mortals has no impact. Even if the views of these voting Montanans are mostly Republican.