Another router died! There was a wifi signal, but no net access either through wifi or...
ethernet. Plugged directly into the cable modem and it works great-- better than the router did. I have a switch, so I can still connect the desktop and the laptops, but tablets are out in the cold until I get a new router.
This one, a Netgear, was less than two years old, and two years or less seems to be about it for routers around here.
Anyone else have this problem?

(1,861 posts)They cost a bit more but very reliable and configurable. Well, Netgear is just as configurable.
Edit: I have cable so I was talking cable routers. I don't know about DSL anymore.
(43,049 posts)for a hundred bucks. Too late tonight, but I can pick one up tomorrow morning.
Arris also has router/modems, which I'll think about overnight.
(1,861 posts)So that should be fine. My Surfboard is a modem/router. You need only the one.
edit: If you have Comcast and replace their router with a new one, you will have to call them and give them the MAC address before it will work.
(43,049 posts)and for 6 bucks a month it's not worth it to buy one.
Ya know, plugging directly into the modem gives me a much faster and more reliable connection. We'll see how the new router does.
(53,345 posts)ASUS is what I have now. Love it
(43,049 posts)Egnever
(21,506 posts)I replace them usually with more capable ones as tech improves but never had one die.
Two years is a while in routers though the tech keeps moving forward.
Recently I picked up a Google WiFi router to test and I am pretty happy with it but no idea how long it will last.
(43,049 posts)one piece is a good deal.
(21,506 posts)But I wanted to test it out and the price recently was extremely reasonable for a three pack around Black Friday.
I also tested the Netgear orbi recently and while it did have better performance than the Google WiFi does the difference was not enough to justify the price difference in my use case or the massive units .
The Google units are easily hidden and so far have been rock solid.
(43,049 posts)so in the morning I'll see what else they have.
(21,506 posts)The reason I ask is they will give you a great Asus router for a $25 deposit to use for your house that is optimized for wifi calling. The same Asus router runs about $120 retail .
If not this is the same router just the consumer version.
It is very solid and covers a 1700 square foot house pretty well.
Anything larger you would probably want to look for something with more powerful antenna or mesh but if you have a house 1700 ft or smaller that is an outstanding router.
Another great router is the tplink Archer c7 I think it is cheaper and has good performance but I have had people that purchased it have it go bad on them.
That said it has been consistently rated on of the best performers for a couple of years now.
(43,049 posts)jrandom421
(1,058 posts)The Day the Routers Died
(37,468 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)I got out of the house the only place open was
WalMart (gasp!)
But, they had a pretty good variety. I almost got a Surfboard modem/router, but it was older security. Ended up with a Linksys for 80 bucks that's working just great-- speed is much faster now. We shall see how long it lasts.