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This message was self-deleted by its author (left-of-center2012) on Sat Feb 24, 2018, 10:42 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(1,642 posts)The answer is the first thing that comes up.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,497 posts)Assuming you have as much capacity on your external drive simply copy the c drive data to the external hard drive and then copy to the new computer.
You will need to reload the aps to your new computer....
(34,195 posts)Thought I might be able to get a cable to go from one to the other?
(21,506 posts)Easiest way is probably put them on the same wifi network?
Share a folder and copy the files from one to the other. Basically the same as you are saying but you likely have wifi already. If you sign into chrome it will sync book marks across machines/devices
(34,195 posts)Thought I could email them to myself,
open the email on my new laptop when it's here and running,
and then 'import' to the new one.
I will still need download Malwarebytes, etc.
(21,506 posts)if all you are worried about is your bookmarks. Yes any software you had on the old machine that you want will have to be downloaded and installed again.
(34,195 posts)Decided to buy an external hard drive for $56.
Save myself some misery.
Renew Deal
(83,603 posts)I believe they both have built in ways to transfer everything directly. Ive used the macs method a couple times before and it works.
(34,195 posts)Princess Turandot
(4,836 posts)For data associated with browsing, such as bookmarks, passwords, history, extensions etc and browser settings, you can use Chrome's 'sync' feature to transfer the information.
Even if you don't stay signed into Google services when you use Chrome, you can do that for this purpose, enable the 'sync' feature to upload the date and then simply sign out from the old laptop. (I stay signed into Google services when I browse but I only enable sync when I use it to move those settings to another computer.) Then after you sign in with the new laptop and it imports the settings etc., you can disable sync and sign out from Google.
It won't move files or anything not specifically related to the browser, but for the Chrome specific stuff, it works very well.
For more specific instructions on Google sync if you want to try it, see this: