Regarding spam scam and FB friend requests
its been a while but a scam hit me.
the key is a fake government agency giving elderly or disabled people free money.
you get a friend request and so it never stops.

(34,195 posts)To me, SPAM means an email
A friend request to me means Facebook.
(8,608 posts)Mine was an FB request in FB. But it could easily have been email.
(13,966 posts)What's their address ??????????????????????
(488 posts)They want 3 dollars back.
(34,195 posts)Have you 'blocked' them?
(8,608 posts)Going to enquire on influential action.
(34,195 posts)Not sure what you're talking about.
I've been on FB for years without problems.
(8,608 posts)left-of-center2012
(34,195 posts)nope
(27,430 posts)Especially if I don't personally know that person -- simply having friends in common won't work.
I've also learned that if i get a friend request from someone I knew years ago, it's a very good idea to look at their FB page. If they're any kind of a right-winger, I won't respond.
(8,608 posts)but the account was fake.
(27,430 posts)telling me not to accept a new friend request as that person's account has been hacked. Oddly enough, I've never gotten those second, fake requests. I do hope I'd be savvy enough to know I'm already friends with that person and just ignore the request.
(32,707 posts)canetoad
(18,734 posts)Get hit up for money or bank details - I guess that is ultimately what they are after. You can't trust anyone these days.
(8,608 posts)i could smell it. 1) facebook and banks rarely mix. 2) generic name of James Smith. 3) and the blatant link itself 4) and then the bot deleted its own messages