Help! I can't post pictures...
I was trying to copy and paste a photo of the cellist Hauser here on DU and no matter what I tried to copy off of his celebrity page I could not do it. I googled "cellist Hauser" and tho he has a lot of celeb. photos of himself (looks to die for) I could not copy/paste.
What am I doing wrong?

(29,941 posts)You cant just copy and paste.
(65,733 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)Online or in your saved pictures.
I always save the pictures first.
Just hit the applicable tabs.
Its very easy as I figured it out myself and that its rare thing.
(1,576 posts)You need to post the URL of the picture
(65,733 posts)MichaelSoE
(1,576 posts)the option of "open image in new tab/window" and then copy the url from your browser's window. Either way you will then be able to post it here.
If it is one of your own personal picture on your computer you will have to upload it to a photo hosting service and then copy the url from them.
I use which is free and many of the members here use it.
Sometimes the url will have java script added
The address you copy would something look something like this,jpg?G3%aaScipCde
Just copy it but do not copy the question mark or anything after so it looks like this,jpg
But also sometimes it is all java script and you won't be able to copy and paste when you right click on it.
Ocelot II
(123,326 posts)if you find a photo on Google Images, click on the thumbnail which will open up a column on the right of your screen showing that photo and similar images. Click the button that says Visit, which takes you to the source. On a Mac do the two-finger tap so you get a menu box (not sure how to open that menu on a PC). Select Copy Image Address. Then come back to your post and paste that address. Delete all the garbage after .jpg. Et voila:
If you aren't getting the pic from Google Images but from some other source, skip all steps before the Visit button and just copy/paste from the source image. If the code you've pasted doesn't end with .jpg, .gif or .png the photo itself might not open up in your post, just the URL. Check Preview to see if it works.