I get confused when using Windows 11 downloading a document off of an email on my laptop.
Truthfully I never really learned how to use a computer properly.
Let's say I get an email from an insurance company with a policy document in it and I wanna download it on to my laptop, when I download it I always next go "show in folder" to rename it so I'll be able to find it later, but if I then go into search and type in the name
that I just changed it to it does not come up.
(In fact when I tried to download it I was blocked by my Chrome settings, which I can change but the only change is to allow all auto-downloads from "always allow mail.google.com" ...i might now want to ALWAYS allow that, what option do I have to do this just one at a time?)

OAITW r.2.0
(29,469 posts)folders. If these folders are sorted by date, it should be at the top.. Click on the doc name, once, to highlight, then rename. You can move to the desktop, then relocate where ever you want to save it to.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,629 posts)When I do this my options are
open in new tab
open link in new window
open link incognito
save link as
copy link address
pause on all sites
what I normally do is hit the Down Arrow to download it onto my laptop and then i get a download blocked message, this blocking thing is new...
I guess I have to solve that first...
OAITW r.2.0
(29,469 posts)I just drag the attachment to the desktop amd release it. Does this work for you?
Eliot Rosewater
(32,629 posts)attachment on the bottom of the email.
But I wish I knew how to find a document I have downloaded after changing the name, just the steps on Win 11...