Is it bad for a laptop if Kitty wants to lay on keyboard for warmth for hours?
It's my spare. It's plugged in all the time. And it emits some warmth. I have been letting Kitty watch CatTV on it -- yahoo squirrels and mice!
But she can't stay off the keyboard, which I covered with a little pad to keep her from changing the youtube site.
And it's warm.

(17,628 posts)The cooling is from the side and bottom usually.....
(13,807 posts)My same model laptop on my desk is not that warm, and on 24/7
(108,134 posts)it could overheat.
(13,807 posts)youtube has many, many, many videos for cats, and they are many hours long.
(108,134 posts)But, my previous laptops have had better heat fans/dissipation.
(1,063 posts)One time I was interpreting a lecture at the University of Nebraska. It was a science course, the prof asked the class who they thought had a higher sperm count, the prof, middle aged, or the young men in the room. The answer was the prof. Because the chemicals used in plastic and the fire retardant used in laptops have a similar molecular make up as estrogen. They think this is why younger men's sperm counts are lower these days than before. He suggested the guys in the room stop putting their laptop on their laps.
(13,807 posts)niyad
(122,504 posts)on the keyboard., after she informed me that it was time for bed. I would even flip the keyboard up, and she would nose it down. Never seemed to have any effect. (Actually, Ithink the kits spent nights on the 'net, because I would wake up to odd messages, and the screen being on a different page.
(13,807 posts)amerikat
(5,034 posts)That not even Microsoft knows about. Some are hard to recover from.
(39,147 posts)Why risk running your electronics warmer than necessary?
Frasier Balzov
(3,990 posts)Grasswire2
(13,807 posts)She obviously craves the warmth.
Although she does also love to watch the birds and squirrels on youtube.
(17,719 posts)... having it make some keyboard entries while it is camped out there ?
(13,807 posts)Maybe I'd better look at the history. She might be going anywhere on the Internets!
(5,190 posts)But if you're just using the laptop to provide the kitty access to CatTV and nothing more critical, then its all good in the hood.