(1,648 posts)pwb
(12,229 posts)I don't even know what they are? Are they personal pictures? I don't see them too much here.
(138,451 posts)
(7,080 posts)I store my photos on a site called Fotki, which has a small fee. There are free sites as well. Maybe others can suggest some.
Once you've don't that, you can share your pics from the photo-hosting site.
(39,139 posts)which is an online place to store your images so the DU server can access it & display it. PostImage is a popular & free service.
Steps to get your images on DU from PostImage:
1. Create an account. If you want multiple albums, create them first.
2. Click the album you want & then click Download.
3. Set your options for image size & expiration, then click on Choose Images. This will open a box to select your image files from your hard drive. 320x240 or 640x480 are good sizes for the web, depending on the image.
4. When the image is loaded, click on the image in the PostImage app. There are various options for how to share. I have found the "Direct link" option to work best on DU. Copy that link & paste into your DU post.
Good luck!
Google image hosting sites for other hosting options.
(16,154 posts)Due to the way DU is coded and run, images must be stored somewhere else and then linked to.
When you post the link, the image shows up.
I use imgbb a lot. Most use postimages and so on.
If your browser lets you right click (or control click) on an image here on DU, you can "open image in new tab" to see where it came from. Or "Copy the image address".

So, Ellen's photo came from postimage.cc
(2,529 posts)
Thank you !
Help this Dummy figure out why gify won't work?
(16,154 posts)I went there and looked at the link. Even the "embed code"
They are long and DU can't deal with some fancy URL's that are too long or which have special characters in them.
Soi I tried to download it (drag it to a folder) and it wasn't a gif any more. It was a webp, not animated. OUCH
Remember, I rarely do any gifs. When one worked, I got it from web search. I use duckduckgo.com rather than google, for privacy reasons. Google remembers everything. DuckDuckGo forgets once a day.
I found a similar gif, and it's at imgflip.
So, until and unless someone comes up with, and reports a way to link gifs at giphy, I suggest a search on the web, and getting an image with a short URL that DU will like and render nicely.
I could probably find that gif that you like, but chores call.
Good luck.
let's be friends!
I was always using just the classic smiles etc.
I found a site way back that had good images, I'll have to go look at my old stuff. There was also this site called twitter I think.
(2,529 posts)

just copy my links. I'm guessing after anything from giphy, it must finish with giphy.gif
my originals did not.
hope this helps someone.
(16,154 posts)I copied the first URL in your first post, and substituted gif for webp.
Who knows how and why people do what they do. Much of my work in technology has been outsmarting technology that people created.
On a Monday.
Hung over.